initial necropolis review

Johnrs45Johnrs45 Member Posts: 84
Thank you everyone for ur ideas
As of now I completed first 3 fights in necro tiatania path
I started with 121 revives and and 580 portions
I spent 21 revives for first 3 fights and 80 potions
Havin 100 revives and 500 portions and my aegon in 999 combo
After Wiccan path will become more easier so ican complete with ease
Any suggestions give me folks
I am low skilled player


  • GlassbackGlassback Member Posts: 802 ★★★
    Good luck, matey!
  • BadahBadah Member Posts: 328 ★★
    Just keep going, you are doing waaaaaay better than I did, you got this. Take breaks from time to time (I did it when boosts expired) and don't overthink it... Keep going until grandmaster is down!
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