Kabam make 6 and 7 star rank ups available with units

Banquet is over now and I won't be able to get rank 6 7 stars as quickly once I become valiant! Except I'm rich so using the glory store to sell tier 3 alpha for tier 4 alpha and selling tier 4 alpha to get tier 5 alpha as well as tier 6 basic/ class catalysts for tier 7 catalysts would take too much time. Would you consider doing this kabam or is that too much too ask? And if we're too early in the game for that too happen what about bringing banquet back for a limited time?!
You can't look at things solely for the immediate benefits of yourself.
You said so yourself: you just want to power through content that you are not ready for.
Labyrinth, Realm of legends, the Abyss and the Necropolis aren't content that you can solve by just powering through. You have to also play smart, you have to utilize strategy, you have to pay attention to nodes and to specific patterns. It's a lot of growth as a player in order to beat these pieces of content and so for you to want to just take an easier path to beat them shows that you're not really growing as a player, you just want to win by any means necessary and then this ends up being that slippery slope where all of a sudden you use third party or violate TOS just to get there.
Tldr: you're approaching this like people who only use Hercules for content. That's not really growth as a player, it's a lazy man's option. You have the ability to grow as a player and you need to embrace that fact and grow as a player.