Top 10 P1 Ally Pushing Masters Needs Players

KS4E seeking experienced War players. Tier 1/tier 2 experience preferred. Priority goes to path 4, 8, and backup players. Must be familiar with tactic and have videos of game play.

Other Things:
AQ: Map 5 or 6, depends on raids.
Raids: We plan on running them
BG: 300k minimum

We are a discord ally. We have finished in plat 1 the last 2 seasons and will finish there this season as well. Each season we are getting closer to Masters, and we should finish in the top 10 of plat 1 this season. Looking for players to help get us over the hump.

We are a discord Ally.

Contact: _wonderboo on Discord or wonderboy1534 on Line for initial contact.


  • PIKESTAINPIKESTAIN Member Posts: 191 ★★

  • willanclarencewillanclarence Member Posts: 26
    edited January 16
    Kindly pass my regards to the OGs - Trevor, Feisty, Omoradas, etc. from Enteng
  • FasulloFasullo Member Posts: 6
    Hi Pikestan,
    I'm a long time player, and with my recent run of the necropolis I'm beginning to want to play the game a little more seriously (as in playing high tier alliance war, aq, raids), so that I'm advancing in all stages of the game. I don't have too much experience in high tier alliance war, but want to start and really begin putting my roster to use (been playing the game for 5+ years now). I was wondering if we could maybe discuss the possibility of myself joining the alliance, especially since I prefer discord over line. If you want a discord contact (or perhaps anyone else is reading this and recruiting) it's: GabeTheMexicanWario
    My ig is: Fasullo
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