Side quest this month is decent! - last month was awful - what makes a good side quest?

SuperSam568SuperSam568 Member Posts: 78
Last months lets face it, it was one of the most boring side quests ever. I think many people I talked to did enough to get a few rewards and then just stopped as it was just utterly uninteresting. Same path almost every week. Same boss. Etc etc.

It was repetitive and the rewards per run were just dull. The fact that it was limited entries ended up being a blessing in disguise. But that also is a turn off for side quests for me also normally.

In contrast, this months side quest is actually quite good. Different paths to take, different encounters. Some nice challenges with the merc team / hero to take down duck etc. the rewards are very decent for the effort and time involved. And you can do the lower quests too. Nothing too complicated, and of course the side quest only costing one energy per step is good too (although always prefer zero energy heheh).

I’ve already run all the available paths, in all difficulties. And I’m looking forward to next week!

So….why aren’t all side quests interesting each month? Kabam have had some real gems of side quests.

For me, what makes a side quest good or bad has to be a mix of the following -

Rewards of course have to be decent. This month has a lot of variety and value I think - iso, gold, rank up materials, shards. A really good mix and a really decent amount.

Paths have to be varied. It’s so dull doing the same path over and over and over. I think if the rewards are very good, you can override how you feel with the allure of the rewards. But it’s still dull lol. Ideally also a reasonably short path - 4 to 5 is plenty - not too many. Not too few. Just right.

Allow us unlimited entries and tries - hate the limited entries. Feels like you are forced to get it right or revive. Much rather have a side quest that’s more forgiving. Also I like to do the lower difficulties. But can’t if it’s limited entries as really you need to do the highest one for best rewards.

Time locked stuff is actually ok if done right. This month feels spot on. The little time locked missions combined with no restricted access to the side quest actually have me looking forward to abs man next week!

Anything else people want in their side quests?

I’m guessing many will say a store. But even the store sometimes is a bit of a miss when kabam gets (in our opinion) the costs wrong. But yeah store is always nice :)

In short - I reckon kabam has nailed a lot of good points for this months side quest! Thanks kabam - job well done :)


  • SuperSam568SuperSam568 Member Posts: 78
    Sorry forgot to add.

    Why are some side quests so badly a miss. Does the team cycle through different styles? Or are they trying new things and mashups every once in a while?

    If they know a few ideas of what a good side quest is! Why not keep just adjusting those?
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,707 ★★★★★
    There are some reasons past month sidequest wasn't good.

    It's simple.

    Difficult locked to progression.
    Same poor rewards every week.
    No reason to try again.

    Some said it was because of Banquet...but with a decent SQ with better challenge everyone would like.
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    Good side quest:
    -fewer fights (4 fights max)
    -fewer nodes
    -no different node per fight (should not have more to read than EQ)
    -decent rewards (scaled with meta)

    Cream on top:
    -no energy needed
    -no limited entries
    -no drip feed locked with a timer

    I liked the one where you can claim all the lower progression difficulty when you complete the most difficult threat level.
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,002 ★★★★★
    The issue is of course required screen time. Last month we were expected to run through a fairly long side quest a million times for semi decent rewards that were spread out so much that they looked worse than they were. This month we have like 8 paths total per difficulty with solid chunks of rewards in each path. It looks better because it’s not crazy spread out and it gives us time to focus on main content, hence why it’s called a side quest.
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