[Necropolis] how about this team for Jubilee-Stryfe path

I plan to build up a high combo for Aegon against the first enemy (Jubilee), then use Human Torch against Diablo, Dr. Doom against Silver Centurion and Galon. For Stryfe fight, I'll also use Human Torch...
Professor X is for reverse immunity.
Could you guys help to check if there are any other issues I should be aware of?
By the way, I'm not entirely sure if Dr. Doom can be used against Galon, considering Galon is immune to energy steal and Nulify...
Looking forward to your advice, thanks a lot!!!
And he is neither immune to stagger, but regardless he gains harvest charges whenever he gains a buff, even if the buff was staggered.
Also I wonder, had anyone tried tigra against him? No idea how well she works for long fights like necro.
I used doom, his power steal works just fine, do your sp3 doom cycle and block a lot to prevent him using sps, reparry. Also you knock him down a lot with doom, so no harvest. Doom is also great for centurion