Necro prep

Hi all...
Am attempting to do my first run of Necro..don't care much about Road to the Crypt rewards just want that completion done..have 6* R5 Aegon ascended,PM,R2 duped Wiccan (going to R4 soonest), Heimdall,Doom or Nick for that last spot.....don't have revives but have 15K units and a large stash of HP pots..I feel fluffed not revive farming back then but due to life outside the game i dint get the much units should be ideal for an above average player with zero revives??
Thanks in advance
Am attempting to do my first run of Necro..don't care much about Road to the Crypt rewards just want that completion done..have 6* R5 Aegon ascended,PM,R2 duped Wiccan (going to R4 soonest), Heimdall,Doom or Nick for that last spot.....don't have revives but have 15K units and a large stash of HP pots..I feel fluffed not revive farming back then but due to life outside the game i dint get the much units should be ideal for an above average player with zero revives??
Thanks in advance
And I'd bring Doom for air walker instead of Nick. I used my r4 and it only took 3 or 4 revives. My alliance mate used aegon and used 8 to 10 revives on him.
However, don't know if it's worth bringing doom instead of nick, justto save 5-6 revives on airwalker, when the 20% attack rate increase by Nick may save at least one revive per opponent on the rest of the map... That's 15 revives right there...