4 champions we will never see as 7 stars

There are 4 champions I believe will not be 7 stars anytime soon. It's just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.
I believe no 1 in the list will be Hercules... he needs no introduction and we all know how awesome that guy is not to mention using him excessively has made it like a crutch and made me overly reliant on him so I am trying to use him less except in incursions.
Second on the list is Kitty Pryde her phase mechanic and the way she functions has bypassed Nodes like True Focus and that led to the node being removed since it affected all other champs. Her synergies with Tigra and Ghost make her into a perfect killing machine although she doesn't it. However, she does require skill to play.
Third on the list is Quake, we all know what a menace she can be with her unique playstyle she just bypasses so many nodes and champs with exception of true strike, true accuracy and those champs with immunity to AAR. There is no champ who is immune to aftershock. She was deemed to be too dangerous to be released as 6 star and it's confirmed she won't be coming out as either 6 or even 7 star.
Fourth on the list is Magik, now this one I think why she hasn't been released so far is not because of her power lock I mean now we are having champs and nodes that are immune to power manipulation. I can only see two reasons number 1 being limbo... on offense it comes in clutch and heals back a certain amount of health when you run suicide masteries on defense a 6 star or 7 star sig 200 limbo would be a scary time to face against and I have died to it countless times even with counters. Second is sp3, her damage is so crazy when opponent has so many buffs and I have made use of it quite many times but that's my thought only.
So, this is my conclusion as to who I believe won't be coming out as 7 Stars... out of the 4 I think Magik should come out as both 6 star as well as 7 star and she wont even the best champ not even in the mystic class but I guess that wish isn't coming true.
I believe no 1 in the list will be Hercules... he needs no introduction and we all know how awesome that guy is not to mention using him excessively has made it like a crutch and made me overly reliant on him so I am trying to use him less except in incursions.
Second on the list is Kitty Pryde her phase mechanic and the way she functions has bypassed Nodes like True Focus and that led to the node being removed since it affected all other champs. Her synergies with Tigra and Ghost make her into a perfect killing machine although she doesn't it. However, she does require skill to play.
Third on the list is Quake, we all know what a menace she can be with her unique playstyle she just bypasses so many nodes and champs with exception of true strike, true accuracy and those champs with immunity to AAR. There is no champ who is immune to aftershock. She was deemed to be too dangerous to be released as 6 star and it's confirmed she won't be coming out as either 6 or even 7 star.
Fourth on the list is Magik, now this one I think why she hasn't been released so far is not because of her power lock I mean now we are having champs and nodes that are immune to power manipulation. I can only see two reasons number 1 being limbo... on offense it comes in clutch and heals back a certain amount of health when you run suicide masteries on defense a 6 star or 7 star sig 200 limbo would be a scary time to face against and I have died to it countless times even with counters. Second is sp3, her damage is so crazy when opponent has so many buffs and I have made use of it quite many times but that's my thought only.
So, this is my conclusion as to who I believe won't be coming out as 7 Stars... out of the 4 I think Magik should come out as both 6 star as well as 7 star and she wont even the best champ not even in the mystic class but I guess that wish isn't coming true.
Making a 7* version after admitting and using him as a meme would be such a dirty move ..
Didn't a mod here once call Kitty "stupid broken" or something?
I mean she can bypass most of the damage in the fight, but 95% of the time you won't need her.
Also, magik may even get released as 7* cuz, her gameplay requires AI co operation, and we all know how well the AI co operates currently.