Just lost all my raid charges and I'm not sure I understand why

Hey so we're on the last mini-boss of my line, which is Thanos. I was at 14 charges, Thanos Killed me, and then I lost every charge. I'm not sure I understand why that happened, because in my previous attempts against Maestro or Kang, I did die and I didn't lose any charges (Maybe 1) But definitely not 14. Someone else experienced the same thing?
Some raid experts will help you...
Dr. Zola
Edit: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/357681/raid-role-charges-missing-after-disconnect#latest
Not the only one. If this is a feature, then it wasn’t in any of the info Kabam gave out. If it’s a bug, then it needs a remedy and a fix quickly.
Dr. Zola
From my understanding a lot of issues with losing charges is theyre counted as cross-fights / pre-fights like horseman and herald boosts, so a time out, a quit out or a DC anything that isn't a natural death just wipes them.
My choice, but also a situation created by game design that will be rectified when the actual Raids product comes out.
Dr. Zola
Currently sitting for 5 minutes waiting for game to load so I can reenter Raids.
@Kabam Miike knowing the team decided to make force closes and DCs wipe all Role charges, what’s the best option for me?
I’m in the same location I’ve been playing off and on all afternoon.
Dr. Zola
Spoiler: Charges are all wiped.
Since @Kabam Miike is active today, it seems like it’s fair to ask a few questions:
1. Why did the team decide to implement this as part of the Raids design?
2. Will the team address this feature of Raids in subsequent installments?
3. Will the team redress problems caused by this design decision in the current installment of Raids?
I’m confident I’m not the only one affected by this given there are multiple threads. I’m also not able to see any responses from the team on this one, so excuse me if it’s already been answered. But I’d just like to register my disappointment with this aspect of Raids and ask for some insight here.
Dr. Zola
Really not persuading me to play a Mode that evidently wasn't tested enough.
Dying to the block mission 3 times and having an alliance mate time out due to a pause for phone call and lose all our charges to plow through and get 1/4 for the third time. Yeah, nah.
Dr. Zola
Seems like something that needs to be fixed. If a force close or disconnect happens then just have the player lose all health. That’s a better outcome versus losing charges because then you’re talking up to 10 revives on ultron boss to ramp him up again.
Dr. Zola
If this was intentional then that’s absurd.
Well this and pull paragon crystals while others get 20k Titan shards for the same or even less effort.
It’d be nice if a “thank you for testing package” was sent out after this week because even 75k glory doesn’t cover those warts
It’s way too punitive and jeopardizes a ton of work and coordination with little rationale.
At a minimum, the team should put a banner up on forums that makes it clear that disconnects will wipe charges. Nowhere have I found that stated by the team, but it seems pretty important to tell players that getting a notification or a call or playing where signal is not great can stump an entire group trying to finish their Raid.
That’s at an absolute minimum.
Beyond that: fix it for the next time and offer redress for this time in the form of AQ revives.
Dr. Zola