Bullseye synergy change

Revan0607Revan0607 Member Posts: 180
The synergy with bullseye and daredevil is completely useless. Needing to add Electra (who sucks) and then needing to kill her off just to give DD a 20% fury buff is pointless when you can get the same effect by having nick fury on the team. Kabam needs to remove the need to have all 3 of them together and change the ability to give daredevil something like guaranteed crits or something


  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,019 ★★★★
    edited January 2024
    So, I wanted to hold off replying until I'd got the 4* Bullseye in Arena so I could test the synergy out myself and review it properly.

    I think the intent of the synergy is to reflect the (old) comic arc where Elektra is killed by Bullseye. So on one level it's a positive flavour nod, so that's good. But if that's the case it would only be a classic Daredevil synergy and not with DDHK. Maybe Bullseye should have had a unique synergy with DDHK to reflect the Netflix show instead.

    For me it did give DDHK a general damage uplift that to me he should have in his base kit. For Elektra and Bullseye it didn't seem to do a lot. The synergy takes up two champion slots in addition to Bullseye and requires you to get a specific champion knocked out so it's not ideal in any meaningful game content. It's not the worst in the game by any means, but it only confers a minor limited benefit and could be better.

    I was surprised not to see a Kingpin synergy for Bullseye, even if it has just been the Rivals one. Or maybe Bullseye being added to Kingpin's Competition synergy but I guess it's because of how powerful Kingpin is in the game already. That's getting a bit off-topic though.

    If we ever got an Elektra rework, or just something extra for DDHK or Elektra like a good relic then it might be nice, like sprinkles on the cupcake. But until then it's just ok, nothing that I'd particularly build a team around.
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