Alliance War Season 47 Update

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 638
edited January 2024 in News & Announcements


Welcome back to another season of Alliance War! We acknowledge issues in Season 46, and we have a sister post that will focus on the plan to help alleviate the pressures of this new direction for Alliance Wars.

In this post, we will focus on what we plan to do for Season 47, and inform players on new Tactics Tuning, Potions Retuning, as well as Bans for the Tactic.

Without further adieu, let’s jump into the changes we plan for this Season.


Wednesday, January 17th

  • Pre-Season 47 kicks off

Wednesday, January 31st

  • Season 47 kicks off
season of Alliance War! We acknowledge issues in Season 46, and we have a sister post that will focus on the plan to help alleviate the pressures of this new direction for Alliance Wars. 

In this post, we will focus on what we plan to do for Season 47, and inform players on new Tactics Tuning, Potions Retuning, as well as Bans for the Tactic. 

Without further adieu, let’s jump into the changes we plan for this Season.

Potions Tuning

The game team’s intention for Alliance Wars is to trend on the harder side to better facilitate a competitive environment (more on that here), however, we made a major error when we neglected to allow the Potion economy to catch up. To alleviate this pressure, we are making Tier 5 AVA Potions available through the Loyalty Store for Season 47. 

Additionally, we are looking to change the way that players purchase these potions. Previously, players would have to purchase a week’s supply of these potions daily in order to benefit from the low price point. To relieve the pressure of this new direction in Alliance War, Tier 5 Alliance and above will be able to purchase the first 7 Potions for the low loyalty cost before escalating in price. 

Defense Tactic Tuning

We understand that the tuning of the previous Defense Tactic was too high, limiting Summoner’s Attacker options. To help alleviate this pressure, we have decided to tune down the Tactic with the following values…

Defense: Crush 2.0

Crush 2.0 - 1:

  • When #Crush Defenders gain a Bar of Power, they inflict 2 separate 30→10% potency Daunted Passives for 25→20 seconds. Max stacks: 12. While the Attacker is suffering from 8 or more Daunted effects during the Defender's Special Attacks, they are Passively Rooted. #Crush Defenders' Special Attacks have a 8% chance per Daunted effect on the Attacker to be Passively Unblockable, except against Well-Timed Blocks. These abilities can't be affected by Ability Accuracy.

Crush 2.0 - 2:

  • When #Crush Defenders gain a Bar of Power, they inflict 2 separate 30→15% potency Daunted Passives for 25→20 seconds. Max stacks: 12. While the Attacker is suffering from 6 or more Daunted effects during the Defender's Special Attacks, they are Passively Rooted. #Crush Defenders' Special Attacks have a 10% chance per Daunted effect on the Attacker to be Passively Unblockable, except against Well-Timed Blocks. These abilities can't be affected by Ability Accuracy.

Crush 2.0 - 3:

  • When #Crush Defenders gain a Bar of Power, they inflict 2 separate 30→20% potency Daunted Passives for 25→20 seconds. Max stacks: 12. While the Attacker is suffering from 2 or more Daunted effects during the Defender's Special Attacks, they are Passively Rooted. #Crush Defenders' Special Attacks have a 20% chance per Daunted effect on the Attacker to be Passively Unblockable, except against Well-Timed Blocks. These abilities can't be affected by Ability Accuracy.

Attack: Sturdy

When #Sturdy Attackers Intercept or hit the Opponent while they're Dodging back, they inflict a 30% Taunt Passive for 8s→12 seconds, paused during the Opponent's Special Attacks. If the Defender activates a Special Attack while this Taunt is active, they lose any remaining Power. When #Sturdy Attackers reduce the Defender's Power to 0% while this Taunt is active, they gain a Steadfast Passive for 12 seconds.

Defense Tactic Champion List

Onslaught, Havok, Emma Frost, Captain Britain, Dani Moonstar, Storm, Stryfe, Namor, Sauron, Apocalypse, Nightcrawler, Professor X, Omega Red, Domino, Magneto, [Coming Soon], Kitty Pryde, Quicksilver, Scorpion, Photon, Titania, Sandman, Morbius, Joe Fixit, Immortal Abomination, Void, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Ham, Spot, Thing, Silk, Yellowjacket

Attack Tactic Champion List

Peni Parker, Iron Man, Omega Sentinel, Red Skull, Guardian, Doctor Octopus, [Coming Soon], Shocker, Punisher 2099, Captain America (Sam Wilson), Howard the Duck, Hulkbuster, Warlock, Lady Deathstrike, Ultron, Civil Warrior, Black Cat, Black Panther, Shang Chi, Mantis, Karnak, Taskmaster, Crossbones, Elsa Bloodstone, Jabari Panther, Killmonger, Chee’ilth, Baron Zemo, Moondragon, Night Thrasher, Bullseye, Attuma


Blacklist - Hercules, Warlock
Whitelist - Silk, Void


Blacklist - Hercules
Whitelist - Silk

Post edited by Kabam Jax on
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