I'm having a bit of a problem i noticed today, every champ with a 2x 1st medium is getting parried? 🤔 Domino, Werewolf and Black Cat are getting parried on the 2nd hit of dashing foward...gonna test silk i guess...
Didnt they specifically mention 2 hit mediums being reparried was a possibility of rolling back the fix?
I'm having a bit of a problem i noticed today, every champ with a 2x 1st medium is getting parried? 🤔 Domino, Werewolf and Black Cat are getting parried on the 2nd hit of dashing foward...gonna test silk i guess...
Didnt they specifically mention 2 hit mediums being reparried was a possibility of rolling back the fix?
If you run a match against a 6* or 7* Gambit you can see why the ai is most likely doing that. They don't hold block, they flick it repeatedly leading to the reparry.
AI looking at me attempting to go to the right side of the screen