RNG rewards for Raids is so dumb and lack of care



  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,374 ★★★★★
    I liked raids and all bosses too. Pretty fun.
    I don't like rng chests.
  • A_FungiA_Fungi Member Posts: 1,034 ★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    A_Fungi said:

    A_Fungi said:

    Raganator said:

    A_Fungi said:

    What you get out of the chest should be dependent on the points you have contributed at the point you collect it

    Have the rewards be tiered, where you are rewarded for doing more work than the scrubs

    This would remove RNG (at least some), reward better play, and you would get better rewards as you progress through the map, since your score (should) be getting higher

    Measured how? In damage? Then the person who goes first will always lag behind because they are the first person building up charges for the team.
    It's a simple measurement, points.

    Sure, it can take a while to build up some charges. But it really isn't that detrimental to performance and should be mostly balanced out by the time you work through 3 bosses.
    It's not what being in an Alliance is all about, or the game mode for that matter.
    As a player who is always a top 3 contributor of pretty much any alliance event, I understand what being in an alliance is all about

    But the RNG in rewards from these chests is far too broad of a range. They have to do something to fix it.

    My team is stuck on the third boss (Maestro). I got 1.5k 7 star shards and a minuscule amount of t6cc shards.

    So either let us have more say in the type of rewards we get (selector style) or just make them all the same.
    Im patiently waiting to see if you get disagrees or not for using the word broad in your explanation of the rewards instead of the word vast like BeastDad. This is a litmus test for forum literacy
    Gotta know your audience lol
  • EMSims11EMSims11 Member Posts: 14
    Rewards could be good but Kabam sucks so it is what it is. At least I didn’t need to spend any valuable resources to complete the raids.
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 682 ★★★★
    DrZola said:

    PT_99 said:

    ahmynuts said:

    PT_99 said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Try being me and getting 2 25% t6cc. I never wanted to stop playing this game more when those chests opened

    I'll do you worst.
    3 T6CC, I'm even sure one of them was lower than 25%
    It truly baffles me that most of this mode made it past initial conception
    Past? Kabam pushed the whole playerbase into beta testing of raids, the mode is not finished and nodes feels rushed, hero availablity is nonsense (30% Hp Fury) Randomised silly rewards, negative revive bugs plus GOOD LUCK SURVIVING ULTRON IF ALL 3 GROUPS HAVEN'T CLEARED THEIR LANE (thanks to degen linked nodes)
    We are at that point in our BG. The only reason to hit Ultron the past two days is to try to scrape points for the next Glory milestone—and it is a scrape.

    At some level, I have to assume the team feels like the Glory bug is a fair trade for our participation in the live Beta of Raids—it certainly feels that way.

    I don’t dislike the idea of Raids or even some of the things in this iteration. But the package as a whole feels very half-baked.

    Specifically, charge wiping is a terrible feature; prizes are poorly balanced against boss kits; lag and input issues seem amplified in Raids versus other modes; locking champs for a week in a map that may be a dead end for days because of degen links is too onerous; some “hack” nodes don’t help nearly as much as they should; the body of viable champs is smaller than it needs to be. That’s just a handful of concrete issues I have.

    All of that and more needs to be addressed before the next Beta trial of Raids. I would hope there’s some kind of concession on the part of the team, but unfortunately I expect only stubborness. I hope I am wrong.

    Dr. Zola
    All of this👆👆
  • kus234kus234 Member Posts: 394 ★★★
    DocWest said:

    The rewards being RNG and with such a wide gap between the “good” and “bad” rewards is so utterly demoralizing. I personally got the low amount of TSCC and 1,500 7* shards two times. It makes me not want to play the game mode anymore. With how hard it was to get to the chests, the rewards were NOT worth all that effort.

    i agree its demoralizing for players and creates disharmony.. Kabam u need to step in here. When the game mode is all about playing together and all have to contribute then why do we need RNG in this case?? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    Stature said:

    Genuine question: do people really not need T6CC to rank up their 7* champs? I understand different priorities or preferences, but I just genuinely assumed that it would be more of a "dang, I'd like that shiny new Ultron but at least this cat will be useful" instead of "how dare I get anything other than a titan crystal" (to exaggerate a point, not actually quoting).

    I love the tier of rewards that they have envisioned for such a challenging quest, but the variability is a bit crazy for a game mode that has traditionally given out currency for specific prizes. Maybe they could have a "Raid Store" with similar rewards but selectable by the summoner and something they could save up for.

    The 25% T6CC isn't very helpful as a monthly reward when one needs 4T6CC to r2 a 7-star. You can play raids for a year and still not get enough T6CC to rank one 7-star to r2 without a favorable RNG. The game economy will change and we will rank up many 7-stars with resources from other content during that period. As rewards for the newest game mode, it isn't ideal. Should have probably been a 50% T6CC selector or better.
    This. I'm sitting on t6cc and a generic 2-3 gem waiting on the right champs. 14k shards (x3) for this sort of 7-day baptism by fire does nothing for my account.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,989 ★★★★★
    A_Fungi said:

    A_Fungi said:

    Raganator said:

    A_Fungi said:

    What you get out of the chest should be dependent on the points you have contributed at the point you collect it

    Have the rewards be tiered, where you are rewarded for doing more work than the scrubs

    This would remove RNG (at least some), reward better play, and you would get better rewards as you progress through the map, since your score (should) be getting higher

    Measured how? In damage? Then the person who goes first will always lag behind because they are the first person building up charges for the team.
    It's a simple measurement, points.

    Sure, it can take a while to build up some charges. But it really isn't that detrimental to performance and should be mostly balanced out by the time you work through 3 bosses.
    It's not what being in an Alliance is all about, or the game mode for that matter.
    As a player who is always a top 3 contributor of pretty much any alliance event, I understand what being in an alliance is all about

    But the RNG in rewards from these chests is far too broad of a range. They have to do something to fix it.

    My team is stuck on the third boss (Maestro). I got 1.5k 7 star shards and a minuscule amount of t6cc shards.

    So either let us have more say in the type of rewards we get (selector style) or just make them all the same.
    I don't have any arguments to a different system. What I'm saying is pitting Alliance Members against each other for Rewards isn't something that works.
    An Alliance earns Rewards as a group together, and Raids are quite literally a group effort. It's not about who does the most. That might be internal bragging rights, but the Rewards will not scale for that.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,374 ★★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    A_Fungi said:

    A_Fungi said:

    Raganator said:

    A_Fungi said:

    What you get out of the chest should be dependent on the points you have contributed at the point you collect it

    Have the rewards be tiered, where you are rewarded for doing more work than the scrubs

    This would remove RNG (at least some), reward better play, and you would get better rewards as you progress through the map, since your score (should) be getting higher

    Measured how? In damage? Then the person who goes first will always lag behind because they are the first person building up charges for the team.
    It's a simple measurement, points.

    Sure, it can take a while to build up some charges. But it really isn't that detrimental to performance and should be mostly balanced out by the time you work through 3 bosses.
    It's not what being in an Alliance is all about, or the game mode for that matter.
    As a player who is always a top 3 contributor of pretty much any alliance event, I understand what being in an alliance is all about

    But the RNG in rewards from these chests is far too broad of a range. They have to do something to fix it.

    My team is stuck on the third boss (Maestro). I got 1.5k 7 star shards and a minuscule amount of t6cc shards.

    So either let us have more say in the type of rewards we get (selector style) or just make them all the same.
    I don't have any arguments to a different system. What I'm saying is pitting Alliance Members against each other for Rewards isn't something that works.
    An Alliance earns Rewards as a group together, and Raids are quite literally a group effort. It's not about who does the most. That might be internal bragging rights, but the Rewards will not scale for that.
    And this is where the mode fails. This rewards system does both in the worst possible ways. It forces everyone to work together and earn rewards together, but the rewards are different, not the same. This will inevitably pit alliance mates against each other and cause alliances to crumble because of members who put in a lot of work and got shafted vs. members who barely participated and got lucky. Kabam literally chose the absolute worst possible reward system for this game mode for both individual player enjoyment and camaraderie on an alliance level.
    If I had a infinite distance sniper I'll shoot the guy who got 20k Titan with a giant permanent color paint ball.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★★★
    Deacon said:

    ahmynuts said:

    PT_99 said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Try being me and getting 2 25% t6cc. I never wanted to stop playing this game more when those chests opened

    I'll do you worst.
    3 T6CC, I'm even sure one of them was lower than 25%
    It truly baffles me that most of this mode made it past initial conception
    well ... didn't they preview this mode to content creators who gave it their blessing ? seems like RNG rewards among other things was a clear thing to red flag

    lol just wait till next raid, it’ll either be worse or better rewards…”maybe”

    Someone gona get 20k titan shards. And someone gonna get it back to back both raids sessions.

    Don’t think so,

    Genuine question: do people really not need T6CC to rank up their 7* champs? I understand different priorities or preferences, but I just genuinely assumed that it would be more of a "dang, I'd like that shiny new Ultron but at least this cat will be useful" instead of "how dare I get anything other than a titan crystal" (to exaggerate a point, not actually quoting).

    I love the tier of rewards that they have envisioned for such a challenging quest, but the variability is a bit crazy for a game mode that has traditionally given out currency for specific prizes. Maybe they could have a "Raid Store" with similar rewards but selectable by the summoner and something they could save up for.

    @Squirrelguy if YOU have to ask..then I garantee you are not ready or haven’t done raids to see how much trouble and how much planning and doing them.. takes lol.

    This is suppose to be cream fo the crop content.

    I also 100% necro. Just saying.
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★★
    I won't be asking my alliance to run raids again until huge changes have been made. That was ridiculous. And we had our charges wiped on Maestro due to a game crash. All this did was piss people off.
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    edited January 2024
    ahmynuts said:

    Try being me and getting 2 25% t6cc. I never wanted to stop playing this game more when those chests opened

    All 3 guys on my side paths 7/8/9 got 25% 3x 3x and one guy got 25% 2x and titan shards another. To top it off, 2 25% were mystic what I'm already on 12 catalysts for
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    PT_99 said:

    ahmynuts said:

    PT_99 said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Try being me and getting 2 25% t6cc. I never wanted to stop playing this game more when those chests opened

    I'll do you worst.
    3 T6CC, I'm even sure one of them was lower than 25%
    It truly baffles me that most of this mode made it past initial conception
    Past? Kabam pushed the whole playerbase into beta testing of raids, the mode is not finished and nodes feels rushed, hero availablity is nonsense (30% Hp Fury) Randomised silly rewards, negative revive bugs plus GOOD LUCK SURVIVING ULTRON IF ALL 3 GROUPS HAVEN'T CLEARED THEIR LANE (thanks to degen linked nodes)
    We are at that point in our BG. The only reason to hit Ultron the past two days is to try to scrape points for the next Glory milestone—and it is a scrape.

    At some level, I have to assume the team feels like the Glory bug is a fair trade for our participation in the live Beta of Raids—it certainly feels that way.

    I don’t dislike the idea of Raids or even some of the things in this iteration. But the package as a whole feels very half-baked.

    Specifically, charge wiping is a terrible feature; prizes are poorly balanced against boss kits; lag and input issues seem amplified in Raids versus other modes; locking champs for a week in a map that may be a dead end for days because of degen links is too onerous; some “hack” nodes don’t help nearly as much as they should; the body of viable champs is smaller than it needs to be. That’s just a handful of concrete issues I have.

    All of that and more needs to be addressed before the next Beta trial of Raids. I would hope there’s some kind of concession on the part of the team, but unfortunately I expect only stubborness. I hope I am wrong.

    Dr. Zola
    For the charges disappearing bug alone my alli wasn’t able to finish off Ultron. I would really love compensation for that. Ll of my alliance revives are now GONE.
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★

    I took out 50% and got 5k 6* shards

    I took down 60% atleast off of each boss and I got 1.5k 7 star shards and 25% t6cc… NOT WORTH.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,235 ★★★★★

    ahmynuts said:

    A_Fungi said:

    A_Fungi said:

    Raganator said:

    A_Fungi said:

    What you get out of the chest should be dependent on the points you have contributed at the point you collect it

    Have the rewards be tiered, where you are rewarded for doing more work than the scrubs

    This would remove RNG (at least some), reward better play, and you would get better rewards as you progress through the map, since your score (should) be getting higher

    Measured how? In damage? Then the person who goes first will always lag behind because they are the first person building up charges for the team.
    It's a simple measurement, points.

    Sure, it can take a while to build up some charges. But it really isn't that detrimental to performance and should be mostly balanced out by the time you work through 3 bosses.
    It's not what being in an Alliance is all about, or the game mode for that matter.
    As a player who is always a top 3 contributor of pretty much any alliance event, I understand what being in an alliance is all about

    But the RNG in rewards from these chests is far too broad of a range. They have to do something to fix it.

    My team is stuck on the third boss (Maestro). I got 1.5k 7 star shards and a minuscule amount of t6cc shards.

    So either let us have more say in the type of rewards we get (selector style) or just make them all the same.
    I don't have any arguments to a different system. What I'm saying is pitting Alliance Members against each other for Rewards isn't something that works.
    An Alliance earns Rewards as a group together, and Raids are quite literally a group effort. It's not about who does the most. That might be internal bragging rights, but the Rewards will not scale for that.
    And this is where the mode fails. This rewards system does both in the worst possible ways. It forces everyone to work together and earn rewards together, but the rewards are different, not the same. This will inevitably pit alliance mates against each other and cause alliances to crumble because of members who put in a lot of work and got shafted vs. members who barely participated and got lucky. Kabam literally chose the absolute worst possible reward system for this game mode for both individual player enjoyment and camaraderie on an alliance level.
    If I had a infinite distance sniper I'll shoot the guy who got 20k Titan with a giant permanent color paint ball.
    I would simply put them in the immortal snail situation
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,173 ★★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    BeastDad said:

    The spread of value on these rewards is far beyond vast.

    I assume the 2 people who disagreed with you don't know what the word vast means which seems to check out for the mcoc forum
    I assume as well.
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★

    Deacon said:

    ahmynuts said:

    PT_99 said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Try being me and getting 2 25% t6cc. I never wanted to stop playing this game more when those chests opened

    I'll do you worst.
    3 T6CC, I'm even sure one of them was lower than 25%
    It truly baffles me that most of this mode made it past initial conception
    well ... didn't they preview this mode to content creators who gave it their blessing ? seems like RNG rewards among other things was a clear thing to red flag

    lol just wait till next raid, it’ll either be worse or better rewards…”maybe”

    Someone gona get 20k titan shards. And someone gonna get it back to back both raids sessions.

    Don’t think so,

    Genuine question: do people really not need T6CC to rank up their 7* champs? I understand different priorities or preferences, but I just genuinely assumed that it would be more of a "dang, I'd like that shiny new Ultron but at least this cat will be useful" instead of "how dare I get anything other than a titan crystal" (to exaggerate a point, not actually quoting).

    I love the tier of rewards that they have envisioned for such a challenging quest, but the variability is a bit crazy for a game mode that has traditionally given out currency for specific prizes. Maybe they could have a "Raid Store" with similar rewards but selectable by the summoner and something they could save up for.

    @Squirrelguy if YOU have to ask..then I garantee you are not ready or haven’t done raids to see how much trouble and how much planning and doing them.. takes lol.

    This is suppose to be cream fo the crop content.

    I also 100% necro. Just saying.
    That's a bold statement.

    I'm in an alliance where the average hero rating is less than half of my own, and yet I still made it all the way to the Ultron Boss with literally no planning and communication about how to do so and about 4 total minutes of research about how the game mode works (which was likely more than some of my alliance mates put in). Planning and doing them can take a lot of effort, but it doesn't require it. They give out free revives for the content, the bosses are pretty straightforward, sure, block damage or input issues can wreck things just the same as any other endgame content, but as someone who got 1.5 T6CC and 2k titan shards out of the event (besides a metric tonne of glory) I thought it was decent for the input required.

    You also keep making claims about how good of a player you are, and then proceed to complain that this was "too much trouble". You fail to make an actual argument besides "RNG bad because some people get worse rewards (like me)".
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★★★

    Deacon said:

    ahmynuts said:

    PT_99 said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Try being me and getting 2 25% t6cc. I never wanted to stop playing this game more when those chests opened

    I'll do you worst.
    3 T6CC, I'm even sure one of them was lower than 25%
    It truly baffles me that most of this mode made it past initial conception
    well ... didn't they preview this mode to content creators who gave it their blessing ? seems like RNG rewards among other things was a clear thing to red flag

    lol just wait till next raid, it’ll either be worse or better rewards…”maybe”

    Someone gona get 20k titan shards. And someone gonna get it back to back both raids sessions.

    Don’t think so,

    Genuine question: do people really not need T6CC to rank up their 7* champs? I understand different priorities or preferences, but I just genuinely assumed that it would be more of a "dang, I'd like that shiny new Ultron but at least this cat will be useful" instead of "how dare I get anything other than a titan crystal" (to exaggerate a point, not actually quoting).

    I love the tier of rewards that they have envisioned for such a challenging quest, but the variability is a bit crazy for a game mode that has traditionally given out currency for specific prizes. Maybe they could have a "Raid Store" with similar rewards but selectable by the summoner and something they could save up for.

    @Squirrelguy if YOU have to ask..then I garantee you are not ready or haven’t done raids to see how much trouble and how much planning and doing them.. takes lol.

    This is suppose to be cream fo the crop content.

    I also 100% necro. Just saying.
    That's a bold statement.

    I'm in an alliance where the average hero rating is less than half of my own, and yet I still made it all the way to the Ultron Boss with literally no planning and communication about how to do so and about 4 total minutes of research about how the game mode works (which was likely more than some of my alliance mates put in). Planning and doing them can take a lot of effort, but it doesn't require it. They give out free revives for the content, the bosses are pretty straightforward, sure, block damage or input issues can wreck things just the same as any other endgame content, but as someone who got 1.5 T6CC and 2k titan shards out of the event (besides a metric tonne of glory) I thought it was decent for the input required.

    You also keep making claims about how good of a player you are, and then proceed to complain that this was "too much trouble". You fail to make an actual argument besides "RNG bad because some people get worse rewards (like me)".

    Umm my alliance 100% the raid and placed top 60

    That speak for itself, you have to cordinate with everyone in the alliance if anything.

    And it really was a lot of trouble to get into.

    When you plan on doing it and actually 100% is big difference vs just doing it.

    I have no trouble besides bad rng rewards and block penetration.

    There’s plenty of feedback already.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,173 ★★★★★
    Typhoon said:

    I won't be asking my alliance to run raids again until huge changes have been made. That was ridiculous. And we had our charges wiped on Maestro due to a game crash. All this did was piss people off.

    This is where we are, I'm not asking people to waste their time to get shafted again.
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★

    Deacon said:

    ahmynuts said:

    PT_99 said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Try being me and getting 2 25% t6cc. I never wanted to stop playing this game more when those chests opened

    I'll do you worst.
    3 T6CC, I'm even sure one of them was lower than 25%
    It truly baffles me that most of this mode made it past initial conception
    well ... didn't they preview this mode to content creators who gave it their blessing ? seems like RNG rewards among other things was a clear thing to red flag

    lol just wait till next raid, it’ll either be worse or better rewards…”maybe”

    Someone gona get 20k titan shards. And someone gonna get it back to back both raids sessions.

    Don’t think so,

    Genuine question: do people really not need T6CC to rank up their 7* champs? I understand different priorities or preferences, but I just genuinely assumed that it would be more of a "dang, I'd like that shiny new Ultron but at least this cat will be useful" instead of "how dare I get anything other than a titan crystal" (to exaggerate a point, not actually quoting).

    I love the tier of rewards that they have envisioned for such a challenging quest, but the variability is a bit crazy for a game mode that has traditionally given out currency for specific prizes. Maybe they could have a "Raid Store" with similar rewards but selectable by the summoner and something they could save up for.

    @Squirrelguy if YOU have to ask..then I garantee you are not ready or haven’t done raids to see how much trouble and how much planning and doing them.. takes lol.

    This is suppose to be cream fo the crop content.

    I also 100% necro. Just saying.
    That's a bold statement.

    I'm in an alliance where the average hero rating is less than half of my own, and yet I still made it all the way to the Ultron Boss with literally no planning and communication about how to do so and about 4 total minutes of research about how the game mode works (which was likely more than some of my alliance mates put in). Planning and doing them can take a lot of effort, but it doesn't require it. They give out free revives for the content, the bosses are pretty straightforward, sure, block damage or input issues can wreck things just the same as any other endgame content, but as someone who got 1.5 T6CC and 2k titan shards out of the event (besides a metric tonne of glory) I thought it was decent for the input required.

    You also keep making claims about how good of a player you are, and then proceed to complain that this was "too much trouble". You fail to make an actual argument besides "RNG bad because some people get worse rewards (like me)".

    Umm my alliance 100% the raid and placed top 60

    That speak for itself, you have to cordinate with everyone in the alliance if anything.

    And it really was a lot of trouble to get into.

    When you plan on doing it and actually 100% is big difference vs just doing it.

    I have no trouble besides bad rng rewards and block penetration.

    There’s plenty of feedback already.
    The point I was making was that I got the same number of chest (RNG) rewards that you did for what you claim was far less trouble. If anything, you should be less concerned about the RNG nature of the rewards because you are in a group that actually got significant placement rewards.
  • kus234kus234 Member Posts: 394 ★★★
    Still no feedback from kabam on any of the Threads :( sad
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