So.. ummm... now what?

December 4th, the day we had to get the 4 star crystal with the top 2 champs from each class. We are at about 880k likes. So... just no crystal? No offer, no nothing? We didn’t reach 1mil but, 300k people like the page in like a week. We should get some recognition, right?
Yea... they gave us like 3 weeks to get 500k more likes, kinda BS
Nothing ever gets released in a Sunday, even deals.
Also the arena wouldn't have gone live on the 4th either.
Pretty sure @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf or @Kabam Vydious will drop in soon when they arrive to work and give us an update.
Hopefully a good one!
Ahh yeah your right, well maybe wait for them to get into work then lol