6.5M AQ focused alliance LFM

6.5M Alliance, geared for 55553, AW 3 times weekly - Alliance focus is AQ over AW
Looking for a few players to fill our ranks who are serious about pushing personal and alliance growth!
GroupMe used for communication - Come and conquer the multiverse!
SA weekly, mins only for completion and Duels
Add me in game if interested cappyismyhomie
Looking for a few players to fill our ranks who are serious about pushing personal and alliance growth!
GroupMe used for communication - Come and conquer the multiverse!
SA weekly, mins only for completion and Duels
Add me in game if interested cappyismyhomie
I may be interested, but here's the story: Been playing for almost 2 years, Sold my champs at a point because i needed a break. I have resumed since and have YJ 4/55, uncollected and boss killer in AQ. rebuilding my roster to get back to my A game
We are currently doing the one week in, one week out rotation as we build our prestige and fill our ranks, add me in game and we can chat some more