Best Happiest moment on game !

what's your best Happiest moment on playing mcoc game?
I till remember when I defeat collector after 20 revive on my past , when I become uncollected it's another level feel. But I understand later it's a beginning and remember that happiest moment... what's yours?
I till remember when I defeat collector after 20 revive on my past , when I become uncollected it's another level feel. But I understand later it's a beginning and remember that happiest moment... what's yours?
And when I pulled 6* doom after defeating 6.4 gm
- Maestro on 4
- Collector on 5
- When I pulled Quicksilver 6* after a month or 2 he entered the contest
But most amazing was...
- When my daughter pulled Moondragon 7* on Banquet. I only had 3000 7* shards , never expected to have a 7* so soon.
Pulling Taskmaster from his featured 5*. I was wanting him in the game for awhile and was just happy he got in. Idc if he was sig dependant or even good. I wanted my man Taskmaster and I got him.
Getting katebishop and Zemo on back to back basic six star crystals
Getting 7*Hulk from legends celebration paragon crystal
Getting 7*Domino from Christmas holiday gift from mcoc
Pulling herc from basic crystal
Got juggernaut from titan and ranked up on at the moment
Defeating necro grandmaster
And more
These things thought me
Eventually we will get everything in life don't rush it
It's the only time I've been truly excited for a new champ
Odin is my favourite champ in game, Venom is and always has been my favourite marvel character.
It was a complete win for me
Only thing that could have possibly made it better was a cosmic 2-3 gem to go with the rest of the pulls.