New Alliance, building from scratch.

Hello everyone
I've joined an alliance about a year ago, and never left.
The alliance grew, and I grew with the alliance, building a roster, becoming more effective.
I then got an officer spot, and I was happy.
We played effectively, but then, members got inactive.
Worse, the leader and officers got inactive.
I tried to keep the alliance alive, but in became impossible, so I decided to create a new alliance, and to make it right.
I already have some reliable players from my previous alliance who are joining the new one, but I need to build a team.
If you're interested in being a part of the process, let me know !
I'm looking for cavaliers and above
Line id is ax-kway
I've joined an alliance about a year ago, and never left.
The alliance grew, and I grew with the alliance, building a roster, becoming more effective.
I then got an officer spot, and I was happy.
We played effectively, but then, members got inactive.
Worse, the leader and officers got inactive.
I tried to keep the alliance alive, but in became impossible, so I decided to create a new alliance, and to make it right.
I already have some reliable players from my previous alliance who are joining the new one, but I need to build a team.
If you're interested in being a part of the process, let me know !
I'm looking for cavaliers and above

Line id is ax-kway
If you want to join a new alliance and make it grow, join us !
Alliance name is Blitz Krew tag [BLTZ!]
Line id is ax-kway
Let's do this !
i am cavalier with 11k prestige,
Day 2 of the alliance, it’s coming alive, some players from my former team are joining.
We are already active in war and aq, starting easy.
Join us, and let’s make this alliance great !
Join us, stick with us, and we’ll grow together !
A merge is being discussed…
So far the alliance is growing faster than expected.
Wanna join and help us grow ?
The name is Blitz Krew
The tag is [BLTZ!]
At this point, we have 20 members, the alliance rating is 34 M+.
We still need more valuable players willing to be involved.
Wanna join and help us grow ?
The name is Blitz Krew
The tag is [BLTZ!]
AW battlegroups are being built, we'll soon be able to assemble 2 teams.
AQ is evolving, we started with one map 4, switched to 2 maps 4/5, we are moving on to maps 4/5/6.
Line app group chat is very active, officers are doing their jobs already.
We still need players, we have 24 members right now.
Join us, stick with us, be an active member of the team, and let's get wins !
The name is Blitz Krew
The tag is [BLTZ!]
We still need more players !
Blitz Krew
Line is ax-kway
We are about to open a second battlegroup in wars, teams are looking great.
We are planning next week raids too.
We are experimenting our aq organization to find the right fit for the members (this week we have maps 4 and 5, but also a map 8 boss rush squad).
Most of members are very active in the group line chat, which is very useful to everyone, we are learning together.
We are still recruiting, so join us and see for yourself.
Blitz Krew
Add ax-kway on line app
Join a coordinated team in the making !
Wanna join ?
Blitz Krew
Line in : ax-kway
What are we looking for
- Strong profiles that can carry through higher maps in AQ (war is optional right now, our teams are already packed)
- Mid profiles willing to grow with the alliance, only requirement is being able to play AQ map 4 consistently
Our alliance is already structured, with two strong battlegroups ready to fight in aw.We tweak AQ weakly to match our progress.
We use line to communicate.
Blitz Krew
Line id : ax-kway
We are winning wars. Our first ranking was Bronze 1, then we jumped around rank 2300 of silver 3. After another leap, our current ranking is around 1600 of silver 3, we are moving quite fast. We run 2 battlegrounds, which allows us to place only our best players in war.
In AQ, we collected 3200 Glory chips the first week.
This week, we hit 3000 milestone without the ranking bonus, the growth is significant.
Current rating of the alliance is 45 M.
We have around 20 active players in our line group chat.
We need active players to grow with the alliance.
Blitz Krew
Line id : ax-kway