Suggestion: Claiming BG rank rewards shouldn’t be automatic

I recently found out there’s a cap for elders marks. I had about 8k saved before the season started solo objectives last season weren’t worth it, so once I reached the minimum score for alliance objectives I stopped using elders marks. After my first 5 fights, you automatically claim your rank rewards. I realized today I just lost 1400 elders marks because of the cap. I’m fine with it, now I know. But………
When you reach the cap for glory, you get a warning before claiming it. You can go to the glory store and spend your glory before you claim rewards. At the very least, shouldn’t there be something along those lines for elders marks. Especially when some people spend units on elders marks. I’m curious on how many people have found out about the cap the hard way.
When you reach the cap for glory, you get a warning before claiming it. You can go to the glory store and spend your glory before you claim rewards. At the very least, shouldn’t there be something along those lines for elders marks. Especially when some people spend units on elders marks. I’m curious on how many people have found out about the cap the hard way.