Speed or health?

To those doing Battle Grounds this season, are you focusing more on getting a quick victory while taking more damage or getting a slower victory while maintaining a fuller health bar?
I am not the greatest at intercepting consistently and I like to use specials, so I find if I play around the power sting timer my fights are longer but I'm left with more health. But most times my opponents win with a ⅓ to a ½ of my health remaining, but take less than half the time to do the fight.
Curious as to how folks are approaching the meta of BGs this season.
I am not the greatest at intercepting consistently and I like to use specials, so I find if I play around the power sting timer my fights are longer but I'm left with more health. But most times my opponents win with a ⅓ to a ½ of my health remaining, but take less than half the time to do the fight.
Curious as to how folks are approaching the meta of BGs this season.
So all that to say, just kind of judge what each match up looks like. If they are going to have problems with your defender, be patient. If it’s a wash or you are at a disadvantage… mostly ignore power stings if you can get the defender down while hoping for the best.
My question is, how are others approaching this season's BGs? What strategy are you employing? Finishing the fights quickly perhaps sacrificing health or finishing the fights healthy perhaps sacrificing time?