Can't load in the game

I've tried disconnecting my WiFi, using data, even deleting the game and redownloading but nothing has worked, everytime I try loading in the game it keeps giving me the 'disconnected' sign, I don't know what to do and I'm hoping anyone else has any advice for me on what to do, thanks.
My Internet connection is working properly. I tried to restart my device, then cleared game cache, then cleared game data, then even uninstalled game and installed it again - nothing helped.
So I made a support ticked, but generally final answer is to wait for game fix...
Sad thing is that I wanted to finish monthly event with bonus objectives which ends in like 2 days... 😟
I already wrote to kabam support, they still looking for the problem.
P.S. Its interesting that when login with the 3rd WORKING login, i can see those other 2logins online statment was that - i had succesfully loged in!!! I wish i could...
A mi también me pasa lo mismo, y en plena temporada de guerra y con las misiones especiales y mensual a punto de terminar. Ya van 2 días con el mismo problema y no puedo entrar aun.
I have an iPhone 11, with version 43.0.0 installed. Tried logging in via wifi and on data with no success. No connection error message, just keeps getting stuck on the loading screen.