Help in strategising for necro

I hv been thinking about trying necropolis but unfortunately I wasn't a paragon during road to crypt rewards .
These r my champions please suggest me who I should I rank up and who would be good for what defenders ...thank you for your time


These r my champions please suggest me who I should I rank up and who would be good for what defenders ...thank you for your time


I would wait for a while with that account. Especially since you don't have Aegon.
However, you don't have a ranked up unit man and he's somewhat critical since the revive farm nerf.
Have u done the necropolis? What team did u use if u did it and how much did u save before trying it?
I can ascend my aegon next week and take him to r5 within a month
I see you have a maxed out doom.
So take Aegon doom prox heimdall and reverse control champ
Doom is must for airwalker, otherwise he'll become a revive dump. Use doom for Cap britain and wiccan as well (There is a trick to fight wiccan with doom).
Second half, Aegon can take care of it.
Take Titania/guardian path.
Good luck.
It was back when revive farming was a thing so keep that in mind. My team was Aegon, proxima, sinister (for GM), Heimdall and fury. By the time I did my last run, my Aegon was r5 ascended, and my revive count was about 60ish for the last path.
Don't use black panther relic with Aegon is a solid piece of advice for the GM.
I will ascend him after doing the sidequest with new keys. He is already max sig. I am thinking about taking juggs for reverse control immunity with doom proxima and heimdall. How many revives and units should i save before i attempt it?
Shuri works great too because she doesn't have buffs.
R4 maybe R5 ascended Aegon, R3 juggernaut, R5 ascended Doctor Doom, heimdall and proxima
I am conflicted if u should swap proxima with shuri
NF gives a bonus but not worth it IMO.