Masteries 2.0

Way back in 2021, there was a post explaining plans for masteries 2.0 with loadout. It was stated that it was likely a 2022 plan. We are now in 2024 with no insight or direction on if they are coming. I have included a screen shot from the post as well as a link to the post. Any insight from the dev would be amazing.

But the decision to keep that QOL change only to that mode, makes no sense to be honest.
They can't even rustle up the 4 mastery points that have been missing from peoples accounts for 6+ months! I think they have given up on trying to keep their customers satisfied.
The blunders they have made in the past 6 months are about as unprofessional as it gets if you ask me, no wonder they ran Forged to Fight into the ground.
This took now several months and is still ongoing. And it’s only regarding missing mastery points.
Now imagine to reinvent the complete mastery system which is the backbone of the game. I assume we will never see it