I would say if you’re coming to the forums asking who to R3 as a 6*, without providing any context to the rest of your account or the content you are aiming for, then Apoc will probably help you out more in the immediate future.
I would say if you’re coming to the forums asking who to R3 as a 6*, without providing any context to the rest of your account or the content you are aiming for, then Apoc will probably help you out more in the immediate future.
I posted this before my account picture uploaded. Here my roster.
Kate's dot damage is really unbelievable, it's too high, I wonder how she escaped the nerf cycle. I don't think any other champ has such high dot with such a easy access, maybe archangel but Kate's coldsnap dot is more consistent too.
Apoc is a beast, but he really shines when boosting other Mutant champs. Kate is a great solo option, and you need better mutant and skill champs. Apoc reuires less skill to play, and is much better on defense and with LC/DE masteries. Take this as you will.