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Let's design a Winter of Woe Fight

NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,400 ★★★★
edited February 8 in General Discussion
Since majority of the community is getting their tar beaten out by Absorbing Man myself included... I wish to lighten the mood and start this discussion:
Here is my idea of a WOW Fight

Defender: Korg

> Immune to all forms of Stun
> Flare
> Power Shield
> Aspect of War
> Unblockable Finale
Additionally adding a node to benefit the attackers
> Good Samaritan: Mutant attackers and objective# champions will have 90% degeneration resistance and regeneration buffs will have their potency increased by 100%

OBJ1 Tag : Metal
OBJ2 Tag: Robot
Valiant Tag: God

Let me know what you think guys I know it's silly and absurd but I thought why not have some fun. Everyone including the Mods can join in and share their ideas as well. Let's keep this fun and interactive.


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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,400 ★★★★
    edited February 8
    Gaborrrrr said:

    In no mood for jokes really... outraged, angry, sad, feel wronged... really just taken the whole fun out of the game...
    Would call you´re proposal funny, but this will actually fight #2 :(
    Although you didn´t mentioned and absolutely god awful AI on top of this... Well i guess that´s the normal these days sadly

    @Gaborrrrr oh no that means I'm already giving ideas 😅 Honestly I tried my 20th attempt with She Hulk I managed to get him down to 50% but I got destroyed after that
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    the_eradicatorthe_eradicator Posts: 358 ★★★
    edited February 8
    Ha ha good joke man..my mood is lightened and am light as a feather... :D
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,400 ★★★★

    Ha ha good joke man..my mood is lightened and am light as a feather... :D

    @the_eradicator Thanks I tried I doubt this one will be as bad as Absorbing Man I'm sore from all the beatings 😂😂😂😂
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,400 ★★★★

    Nah that's too many options
    Change the tags to
    #Aplha flight

    Good idea @Priyabrata
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,400 ★★★★
    MCOCHazza said:

    This actually sounds fun ngl

    @MCOCHazza Let's hope this discussion will be well received I added the degen resistance because of my experience with Absorbing Man that brute force was nasty.
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,400 ★★★★

    #god? You want players to be allowed to use herc? No way

    My bad @captain_rogers I forgot he had the #God tag lol
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    AshacekarAshacekar Posts: 1,856 ★★★★
    edited February 8

    Defender: Korg

    > Immune to all forms of Stun
    > Flare
    > Power Shield
    > Aspect of War
    > Unblockable Finale
    Additionally adding a node to benefit the attackers
    > Good Samaritan: Mutant attackers and objective# champions will have 90% degeneration resistance and regeneration buffs will have their potency increased by 100%

    Add high energy resistance and energy should also reflect damage.

    Well, i think as game designer it does feel cool to enjoy the misery of player with such content. I also start thinking evil when asked about nodes.
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,400 ★★★★
    Ashacekar said:

    Defender: Korg

    > Immune to all forms of Stun
    > Flare
    > Power Shield
    > Aspect of War
    > Unblockable Finale
    Additionally adding a node to benefit the attackers
    > Good Samaritan: Mutant attackers and objective# champions will have 90% degeneration resistance and regeneration buffs will have their potency increased by 100%

    Add high energy resistance and energy should also reflect damage.
    That would be quite a WOW factor @Ashacekar
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    BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Posts: 2,356 ★★★★★
    Assuming the next fight is against Nebula (Poison, Bleed, and Shock immune), a Kabammed WoW fight should narrow it down to maybe 2 options for each objective and at least one of them needs to be bugged where you can tell immediately that some key ability isn't working.

    You'll need to have a DoT debuff on her or she takes 90% less damage. Also, her regen is now passive, bumped up 200%, stun immunity for the duration, and cannot be reversed. The usual loathsome Unstoppable timer that everyone hates so much. Mighty charge 2 (for double Unstoppables!!! YEAH!!), sky high crit and energy resistance, immune to armor break, health and attack boosted to the moon.

    Objectives: #Symbiote, #Silver, Valiant: #Thanos's Army
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,400 ★★★★

    Assuming the next fight is against Nebula (Poison, Bleed, and Shock immune), a Kabammed WoW fight should narrow it down to maybe 2 options for each objective and at least one of them needs to be bugged where you can tell immediately that some key ability isn't working.

    You'll need to have a DoT debuff on her or she takes 90% less damage. Also, her regen is now passive, bumped up 200%, stun immunity for the duration, and cannot be reversed. The usual loathsome Unstoppable timer that everyone hates so much. Mighty charge 2 (for double Unstoppables!!! YEAH!!), sky high crit and energy resistance, immune to armor break, health and attack boosted to the moon.

    Objectives: #Symbiote, #Silver, Valiant: #Thanos's Army

    Now that's what I call fun and interactive @BigPoppaCBONE doesn't sound as bad as Absorbing Man
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    Darkraw346Darkraw346 Posts: 2,092 ★★★★
    Defender:Psycho man

    Nodes:Buff immunity (debuff):the attacker is inflicted with an indefenite buff immunity debuff at the start of the fight.
    Flux disposal:the node that gets up to 20 charges and you reset them by throwing a heavy
    A node that extends all debuffs on the attacker by 100% duration
    Speical delivery
    That node that grants u charges if u parry and detonated them at 7, and u can remove them by hitting block

    #Cosmic (King Groot comes to mind as a good choice)
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,400 ★★★★
    edited February 8

    Defender:Psycho man

    Nodes:Buff immunity (debuff):the attacker is inflicted with an indefenite buff immunity debuff at the start of the fight.
    Flux disposal:the node that gets up to 20 charges and you reset them by throwing a heavy
    A node that extends all debuffs on the attacker by 100% duration
    Speical delivery
    That node that grants u charges if u parry and detonated them at 7, and u can remove them by hitting block

    #Cosmic (King Groot comes to mind as a good choice)

    @Darkraw346 now that's an effectively painful fight going to need loads of Pain killers for this fight 😂😂😂
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    Darkraw346Darkraw346 Posts: 2,092 ★★★★

    Defender:Psycho man

    Nodes:Buff immunity (debuff):the attacker is inflicted with an indefenite buff immunity debuff at the start of the fight.
    Flux disposal:the node that gets up to 20 charges and you reset them by throwing a heavy
    A node that extends all debuffs on the attacker by 100% duration
    Speical delivery
    That node that grants u charges if u parry and detonated them at 7, and u can remove them by hitting block

    #Cosmic (King Groot comes to mind as a good choice)

    @Darkraw346 now that's an effectively painful fight going to need loads of Pain killers for this fight 😂😂😂
    Yeah fighting Psycho man is always painful for me, usually it's mentally painful but... yeah
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,400 ★★★★

    Defender: Thing (sig 200)

    Nodes: Powershield+Debuff immunity

    He's a painful defender @Amadeo01 and node combinations are nice but there are so many options available to destroy him so more painful nodes and pain points need to be added
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,400 ★★★★

    Defender - photon

    Nodes -
    opponent's vigilance and true sense ability accuracy is reduced by 100%.
    One eye open (damage while stun is reflected back).
    Debuff accuracy is increased by 200%.
    Immune to tracking debuffs.
    During special attacks, gain a true strike passive.
    The player's champ is inflicted with a 100% marked passive throughout the fight.
    Whenever photon activated a special attack, gain a high potency pirece passive.
    Photon can land critical hits on block.
    Immune to all form of power manipulation and combat power rate is increased by 100%.
    Whenever opponent purifies a debuff, they get burst damage.

    @captain_rogers this fight makes Absorbing Man look like an amateur 😂
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,400 ★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    Defender: Groot

    You just waste 10 energy to die and nothing else

    I knew it Groot was OP @ahmynuts 😂😂
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    Jack2634Jack2634 Posts: 858 ★★★

    Defender: Thing (sig 200)

    Nodes: Powershield+Debuff immunity

    kate bishop loved it
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    Jack2634Jack2634 Posts: 858 ★★★
    defender : 1 star groot
    hp : 400
    attack : 40
    node : debuff immunity + diss track
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    Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Posts: 1,390 ★★★★
    Jack2634 said:

    defender : 1 star groot
    hp : 400
    attack : 40
    node : debuff immunity + diss track

    Hey that was my idea
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,400 ★★★★
    edited February 8

    Next winter of woe fight:
    You have 20sec time to kill Opponent, if not your Account will get banned!

    Then everyone is getting banned @Carracho01 😂😂😂
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,400 ★★★★
    Jack2634 said:

    defender : 1 star groot
    hp : 400
    attack : 40
    node : debuff immunity + diss track

    Too OP as a defender @Jack2634
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