This Month is UNPLAYABLE

Between the updating screen issue and the black screen incursions issue, this month is so frustrating I don't even want to play. It sucks. I just got paragon and I currently hate opening the game. I don't know if Kabam is capable of giving enough compensation to make this right.


  • StarhawkStarhawk Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    i don't know about compensation but it would be nice. other games do it. Doesn't even have to be a big compensation just something to say sorry guys here's a little something because your awesome for playing our game.

    I also noticed a bug when you filter ISO and switch back and forth between the champ and the ISO which is new since the update....basically sometimes the filter happens on the ISOs even though the filter isn't highlighted on the right hand side.

    another issue that's happened 3 times now since the update is i have auto play on and look down minutes later and auto play isn't there and my champ is getting hit as if i had entered the quest with auto play off....

    seems the bugs are becoming more and more obvious....more testing before it gets to us would be nice...i know they cant test every phone out there but these issues are pretty obvious and happening on some of the more popular phones
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,570 ★★★★
    The issue with what you’re pointing out isn’t ubiquitous. While the issue can come from their end. The issues you highlighted can also easily come about due to version comparability, device health as well as internet issues. Giving out compensation can be difficult when these circumstances come about because they can’t check for everyone who has and doesn’t have the issue. And the complaint may not even be within their means of solving.
  • Harbinger195Harbinger195 Member Posts: 139
    While your not incorrect Lokx, equally when you take into consideration just how many people are experiencing the same issues it becomes far more likely that it's an issue on Kabam's end.

    Equally, one could argue every person complaining about AW suffering massive input issues is just an issue on their end..and then you think about just how many people are experiencing the issue and suddenly the probably of it being a skill issue for so many players across all difficulty tiers becomes less and less likely are points the finger squarely at Kabam.
  • NüΚΞNüΚΞ Member Posts: 275 ★★★
    Brand new iPhone 15promax, most updated version of the game. I have the blacked out screen every-time I play incursions. I have been using platinum pool to farm the new side quest thing and auto play has turned off. I have had many parry issues (I have learned to parry earlier to compensate and that works 90% of the time) I have had AI Dash back and immediately parry (see other post with a great video catching the issue.) Hard end game content is manageable. Hard end game content when the game is bugged, impossible. I can’t imagine facing these bugs when and man is at like 10% or you’re half way through a necro path.
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