80% of summoners get 0 6-star shards as rank rewards for summoner advancement

TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,170 ★★★★★
Our summoner advancement rewards just came in and after a slow week, we landed in the 21% bracket.

We got a few 6-star shards for passing 500,000 points, but only 5000 5-star shards for rank rewards. For everyone in the alliance, that’s 12 iso bricks and 138 6-star shards.

What payouts in the game annoy you for being so dated?

I’ll note another thing that makes me shake my head - 3 months of Winter of Woe fully completed by a paragon player will yield a total of 2 t6cc. We’ll get an ascension and plenty of other goodies, but it’s amazing that we can’t do a single 6r5 or 7r2 off the rewards.
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