Looking for alliance

at 20k, just started a couple weeks ago. Looking for active alliance. Line: Confluxx, game tag the same.


  • SReed13SReed13 Member Posts: 2
    Hey bud, just sent you an invite. Join our active alliance
  • OrozconlecheOrozconleche Member Posts: 36
    Hello Confluxx,

    My family of alliances completely understands your situation and have made an all new alliance just for people like you! We are a family of alliances across all ranges of skill and level. The good thing about this is, as you grow, you are able to move up the family into our stronger alliances!

    I'd like to invite you to join TD-33, it is currently open and we plan on having it full and running very soon! Believe me, it will grow quickly.

    If you have ay questions contact me in-game or on Line @Orozconleche
    Look forward to hearing from you!
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