Winter of work completion idea

Can I complete winter of woe with any champ I want .and
Do the objectivs ath the end month of winter woe where we need to do every single fight full rewards will it be possible
Currently I'm low on resources
I tried with 7*R2 Hulk but his regen kill me every time.hope if this way works I will complete initial run with void . kindly let me know.
Do the objectivs ath the end month of winter woe where we need to do every single fight full rewards will it be possible
Currently I'm low on resources
I tried with 7*R2 Hulk but his regen kill me every time.hope if this way works I will complete initial run with void . kindly let me know.
If you can’t take down Abs Man with any of the objectives champs, do a run with Void, get a point and call it a day 🙂