Players withdrawing mid raids

I am wondering is there a penalty for players that are only there for the raid chests and leave after getting them? I was doing the left side of the raids with other 2 clan mates and they did at least some decent damage and we reach Ultron. We were waiting for the other ones since there were only one or 2 people missing in each path but some guy just enter didn't help with the missing nodes and went to the completed side without doing anything and leaved the clan, like why would he receive any rewards when he didn't do anything? I feel like me and my other clan mates waisting out resources and he just got the same rewards or even better than my other clan mates. Can these kind of player please be penalized for doing those kind of things? Because it doesn't make sense if they don't. Anyone has had these kind of issue? Is there a way to report them because he leave the clan so I don't know how I can do that.