Objectives and how they have changed the game

Rick_1Rick_1 Member Posts: 65
When objectives were introduced I found them slightly annoying and an added chore but they had rewards so I sucked it up and did as I was told.
Now a few years later I have realised objectives have taken the game I once loved in a direction I don’t enjoy.
The thing I loved about the contest before objectives was the challenge was set and it was up to you to figure out how, which champions, which synergies and once you worked that out you possibly needed to work out how to get those champs. The variants are a great example of this, fun and challenging and you really had to use your knowledge to counter some of the paths ( variant 1 in particular) but finally exploring it was an amazing feeling.
Now with objectives I find the fun challenging part where you have to figure out the best solution is gone and you are given 2 options, use the less than ideal option given by the objective or use one of the other 250+ options and get no rewards.
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