AQ Raids Timeout K.O.

I had a question for the AQ Raids design team please :
Why is it that if I timeout on an AQ Raids fight (as in I last the full 3 minutes and don't die or hit the 12% damage cap) that my champion is then K.O.ed and I have to revive ?
That seems a little unfair and most importantly not in keeping with any other mode in the rest of the game, where a timeout loses you 50% of your remaining health, but you get to go back in at 50% health and do it all over again until you get knocked out.
Seems a rather potion-fiesta move to pull - I didn't actually lose any health, so why am I dead ?
Why is it that if I timeout on an AQ Raids fight (as in I last the full 3 minutes and don't die or hit the 12% damage cap) that my champion is then K.O.ed and I have to revive ?
That seems a little unfair and most importantly not in keeping with any other mode in the rest of the game, where a timeout loses you 50% of your remaining health, but you get to go back in at 50% health and do it all over again until you get knocked out.
Seems a rather potion-fiesta move to pull - I didn't actually lose any health, so why am I dead ?
But I think they have already solved that problem with the instant special 3 / power gain on hitting the damage cap of 12%. So its impossible to dance around for a minute to timeout if you hit the 12%.
If I'm building up charges for my friends, I feel its only fair I should be allowed to continue to do so until I actually die, rather than use resources when I all I did was what the fight asked me to do.
Seems a rather petty move to K.O. you for just doing what the game asked - which is just keep fighting for 3 minutes.