Finally played Raid and it is so bad!

This is only my opinion but I have to admit I truly dislike raid. It’s like Kabam took all the bad ideas players complained about in the past and put them together in a new game mode: 1. Entry ticket with high cost (and now you can’t even use gold), 2. Coordination and need to wait for other to play (à la AQ previous linked nodes), 3. Need to use lots of items due to forced time out or max damage limit killing you instantly ( bye bye Corvus).
And to top it all off the fights are so repetitive.
And to top it all off the fights are so repetitive.
Yes, you need to coordinate with alliance mates in order to accomplish the goal. That is what Raids are in every game that has them, they are huge cooperative pieces of content. Further, the coordination that you need is actually pretty minimal. I’m in a line chat with my two lane partners and we just tag each other when we’ve gone. No rush, super easy. You’ve got a whole week to do it.
Need to use lots of items? If you are, you’re doing it wrong. The potion store grants seven 100% revives for one gold each, twice a week, for a total of 15 attempts per player. If every attempt is flawless, it takes about 25 runs to clear a lane, not including the boss. You have 45 attempts between the three of you. You have, between the three of you, 20 additional attempts to be used on either the lanes if you aren’t hitting the damage cap or on the Ultron boss. That’s more than enough.
Yes, the cost is very high and not being able to use gold is disappointing.
Point two
A good alliance that is more highly ranked has this level of communication and organisation already. If you’re ready to play and want to do more and others aren’t there and won’t communicate, you’re in the wrong alliance.
Point three
The intention of the mode is you do a max of 12% per run and use a culmination of all the skills that go beyond casual questing and a deep understanding of how to counter the defenders. It isn’t a casual mode, it’s for those of use who can simply achieve exploration or completion of the highest AQ maps.
I agree with your point about ticket costs, I think it's dumb that theres any entry cost at all for this. But as for the other points, it's not that much coordination required. Yes you do need to actually talk to your alliance mates but from what I experienced it's just a quick tag every day. And it's not a whole lot of item use I actually finished with 2 revives to spare. Yes you can mess up and die easily but if you know what you're doing it's not too difficult.
Sure fights are repetitive, but so is AQ.
As for the rest of Raids - I’m ok with it.
Don't know what you're smoking, though. Raid is the most fun I've had in AQ in the past 9 years.