Should all of Act 8 be modified for 7* bonuses?

UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,730 ★★★★★
Since 8.3 was developed and came out when 7 Stars were introduced, there is a 7* Attack Rating Bonus in 8.3 that rewards you for having and using 7* Champions. Act 8.3 still has the 6* bonus, which is less than if using a 7* Champion.

Compare that to the previous Chapters in Act 8, where you only have a bonus for using 6* Champions - as that was the highest that existed at the time. Now obviously, with how the Attack Rating scales, at the moment it's still a better bonus applied to your 6* R4/R5's than a 7* that's only R1 or R2 for now.

But to me, for the long term effects of the Story Content, should a 7 Star champion bonus also be retroactively added to the rest of act 8?

Should all of Act 8 be modified for 7* bonuses? 66 votes

Yes, 7* bonuses should be in all of act 8
Michael0527redsoxpatsfan89UsagicassidyGreekhitItsClobberinTimeGlassbackKen1378gazbeaKikohouDuffman98whyme_why6Johny_JoestarGenie4pfTNK_131GaborrrrrLo67KiN8buckeye08Nacho98PenguinJim 19 votes
No, 8.1 and 8.2 should remain with only 6* bonuses
zuffyRagnarok13CropDusterCyborgNinja135HeattblasttIndioSkay1984Grootman1294Rayven5220OurobørosButtehrsSagacious0wlDeaconSquirrelguycaptain_rogersVbnmeMilan1405ErcarretJoshua_EiversGiantwalrus56Drauglin 47 votes


  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    No, 8.1 and 8.2 should remain with only 6* bonuses
    I don't really think it's needed, bit pointless really considering ALL of act 8 can still be done using 5*s 🤷‍♂️. Only my opinion, of course
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    No, 8.1 and 8.2 should remain with only 6* bonuses
    The original point of adding the bonuses, if I remember correctly, was to incentivize 6* use when they were still a bit more rare, and people were choosing between a maxed 5* champ and a lower rank/sig 6*. The difference is that 6* R3 is the equivalent of 5* maxed, while 7* R2 is the equivalent of 6* maxed (not including ascension). It’s not a massive difference, but there is one.

    Also, I’d rather they not retroactively make it easier, whilst also possibly introducing some sort of bug or messing things up unintentionally.

    There’s always a progression of when things should be introduced, and I don’t think you’ll find many people who are upset with where the bar currently is. Sure, some would prefer it to be easier, but I doubt they would have called for it or even noticed it if it wasn’t addressed.
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