Which mystic to R2?

If these were your options, what would you rank up? I'm sitting on the catalysts to do it but I feel like my best options are all defenders. The game loves to give me mystic champs out of 7* crystals for some reason so I've ended up here... I know there are a lot of people that love wiccan but I haven't gotten on too well with him... I just find him to be too fragile. Chip damage really hurts him I find. Anyway. I'm curious on everyone's thoughts and maybe this'll help me find something about a champ that I missed and I can give them another shot.
Maw is a great defender, and a very underrated attacker (I have an R2)
I also think Mangog is a pretty solid attacker
I personally plan on taking sassy up to R2 next, people usually think he will go on defense... but I love him as an attacker
I wish mine looked like yours! I’d go Sasquatch or Wiccan if I had them. I’m also trying to figure out who I would take to R2 since I have the materials but I feel like I should really wait.