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Post your Be Mine crystal pulls!

Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Posts: 1,401 ★★★★
edited February 27 in General Discussion
As a paragon I see this as an absolute win.

First time pull of her and my 7* mutants needed help.


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    MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Posts: 4,522 ★★★★★
    OG Iron Man dupe. Wanted Angela, oh well.
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    Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Posts: 1,401 ★★★★

    OG Iron Man dupe. Wanted Angela, oh well.

    I still think that’s a good pull personally, that regen can help you top up in a lot of bg matches. Still best of luck getting that Angela
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    7* iron man and I happy with that.
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    Nacho98Nacho98 Posts: 146 ★★
    6* Mojo, of course
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,678 ★★★★★
    6* invis woman. On both.
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    Cap_MuricaCap_Murica Posts: 234 ★★★
    Wanted Angela dupe, but got BC dupe instead...oh well!
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,064 ★★★★★

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    Crine60Crine60 Posts: 1,401 ★★★★
    6* Domino (awakened the 6* I got from earlier in the month).

    Does anyone have any idea about the odds to get a 7*? There were none posted on the crystal and I don't think I missed any posted on the forums either. Just curious if it was like the 80/20 crystals for lower 2 rarity crystals or more like 97/3 or something like that.
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    Cure2024Cure2024 Posts: 125 ★★
    edited February 27
    Duped my 7* Domino. Very happy 😊
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    AzKicker316AzKicker316 Posts: 2,340 ★★★★★
    edited February 27
    7* Iron Man, could have been worse! I was hoping for Black Cat.
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    jcphillips7jcphillips7 Posts: 1,213 ★★★★
    Crine60 said:

    6* Domino (awakened the 6* I got from earlier in the month).

    Does anyone have any idea about the odds to get a 7*? There were none posted on the crystal and I don't think I missed any posted on the forums either. Just curious if it was like the 80/20 crystals for lower 2 rarity crystals or more like 97/3 or something like that.

    I wanna say it was 80/20, because I had like 5 or 6 alliance mates pull one from that Exalted Be Mine crystal.
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    SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    Cure2024 said:

    Duped my 7* Domino. Very happy 😊

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    GamerKniteGamerKnite Posts: 181 ★★

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    OldManHopOldManHop Posts: 260 ★★★
    ... as a cav, I got 6* MODOK.

    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

    Ok, not really, but I was really hoping to finally get something better than a 4* Herc.
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    Not too bad.
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,402 ★★★★
    I got 6 star domino but I already have 7 star
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    JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Posts: 1,028 ★★★★
    My day is ruined, need I say more
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    AvnishAvnish Posts: 394 ★★★
    OG Iron man duped
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,958 ★★★★★

    Got Domino. Just need to dupe her now.
    Happy enough! It wasn't IW at least.
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    Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Posts: 1,748 ★★★★
    Taking baby steps, she's sig 40 now.

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    DUHveedDUHveed Posts: 353 ★★★
    Not even worth posting mine
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    peixemacacopeixemacaco Posts: 1,655 ★★★
    DUHveed said:

    Not even worth posting mine

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    DUHveedDUHveed Posts: 353 ★★★

    DUHveed said:

    Not even worth posting mine

    Might as well have been.
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