How would you change: Super Skrull

Super Skrull has always been an interesting champ to me, he has a lot of utility including but not limited to
- Incinerate and Shock immunity
- Undermine (the first champion to have Undermine)
- Vigilance (counters miss)
- A falter
- Armor Ups (counters havok)
- Incinerate debuffs
So how would you change this champion? Personally I think that he should work more like Hulkling does with his charges. The reason why Hulkling is far more popular and powerful is that his rotation is much more forgiving and it's more straightforward. Also Super Skrull's furies and armors aren't that potent, so maybe those could use a little tune up? I know there's the aptitude buff from the sp3 but still
2. Cosmic overload pauses all active buffs and when it ends removes all except for Armor up and Fury. Right now it removes all of his personal buffs.
3. Bump of his numbers.
BMcG uploaded a video of Super Skrull a few days ago
Been a day 1 fan of this guy. Absolutely love his damage and unique playstyle. He's also a surprising duel threat in bgs with good stalling.
I feel like his sp3 should give activate nova fists tho. There's really no point of throwing it for some weak aptitude when I could instead deal a few hundred thousand damage in the same amount of time
That and bump up potency on his Furies.
1. After cosmic overload expires it converts into an aptitude buff that's indefinite and stacks twice. Nothing huge, just to bump his numbers a little.
2. Probably bump the overall potency of his buffs a little, maybe even his pyro fist incinerate too.
3. Have his cosmic overload store any buff effects even after they've been converted. By this I mean that in order to play him optimally you kinda want to convert his furies to armour as soon as overload starts and convert them back right as it ends, so having it so that the effects of his furies get stored when converted into the end of cosmic overload. This would just mean that you've actually got his furies when trying to do damage.
4. Reduce the cooldown of his falter/ possibly make it a manual trigger like a double block tap. This would just mean that you can use it to your advantage more consistently instead of it triggering during a long special when you want to save it for the energy vulnerability. Alternatively you could have it not trigger on parry and for a couple seconds after that so you can control it a little more.
5. Against incinerate immunes his incinerate should be replaced with burst damage or armour breaks.
6. Maybe give his heavy attack an incinerate vulnerability effect.
I play more super skrull than most people would even want to admit, and I genuinely don't think he needs much. His rotation is specific, but with practice it's very easy to essentially keep pyro fists active for 90% of the fight after his first cosmic overload so I think affecting the timings of his abilities would throw things off too much and would require a lot more tweaking to balance out. He's got a very steep learning curve but once you can play him his damage is absolutely bonkers, so I think keeping that as part of his identity is fine as long as they just smooth it out a little more.
But ,im scarce of gold and with 10+ great champs on the line to upgrade too🤦♂️