No change to Paragon BG store?



  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,018 ★★★★★

    If you want rewards… got

    No, get Valiant if you want better rewards.

    Completely ignorant.
    No, it's how the game works. Low-level Paragons have been getting the same rewards as high-end Paragons for years and Valiants since it came out.

    If you want better rewards, just do the 6th paths of Necro like many others have instead of begging for them w/o putting in the work.
    Nice strawman - same one Kabam discussed internally as well I am sure. Of course, no one is asking for paragons to get valiant rewards. But it’s fun to flex right?

    Maybe no rewards should be buffed ever unless you are at the peak progression. And then.. once there, those rewards never increase either. Seems like a questionable way to run a game economy - but what do I know… I am just part of the begging rube paragon class
    Val isn't hard. Either doo all of Necro or one path and wait for 8.4. There is no point buffing the store for lower titles when they just released the new one.

    If you want better rewards, do the content that gives you that title instead of complaining on the forums.
  • Gr8SGr8S Member Posts: 3
    With this kind of decisions the game will not celebrate his 10 years anniversary because more players are gonna leave the game and will be less revenue for Kabam!!!
    I really hope will not gonna happen!!! But time and decisions you guys take will decide that!!!
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,018 ★★★★★

    If you want rewards… got

    No, get Valiant if you want better rewards.

    Completely ignorant.
    No, it's how the game works. Low-level Paragons have been getting the same rewards as high-end Paragons for years and Valiants since it came out.

    If you want better rewards, just do the 6th paths of Necro like many others have instead of begging for them w/o putting in the work.
    Nice strawman - same one Kabam discussed internally as well I am sure. Of course, no one is asking for paragons to get valiant rewards. But it’s fun to flex right?

    Maybe no rewards should be buffed ever unless you are at the peak progression. And then.. once there, those rewards never increase either. Seems like a questionable way to run a game economy - but what do I know… I am just part of the begging rube paragon class
    Val isn't hard. Either doo all of Necro or one path and wait for 8.4. There is no point buffing the store for lower titles when they just released the new one.

    If you want better rewards, do the content that gives you that title instead of complaining on the forums.
    No - I will just do what everyone is doing - walk away from the mode. But you keep flexing big guy. I don’t want to see you complain about a valiant store buff in 6 months…. All rewards must stay the same until the next title.
    It's not a flex, it's just how the game works. They released a new title so everyone knew that a new BGs store was coming. Those who assumed that a new Paragon store would come with it were just ignorant or they felt entitled to a new store for zero reason.

    And buffing the Val store before a new title is completely different from buffing it after the next title is released. It's really not that hard to understand.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,519 ★★★★★
    Is anyone actually surprised that they want to continue milking Necropolis? Cause I'm not lol.
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,648 ★★★★★

    If you want rewards… got

    No, get Valiant if you want better rewards.

    Completely ignorant.
    No, it's how the game works. Low-level Paragons have been getting the same rewards as high-end Paragons for years and Valiants since it came out.

    If you want better rewards, just do the 6th paths of Necro like many others have instead of begging for them w/o putting in the work.
    Nice strawman - same one Kabam discussed internally as well I am sure. Of course, no one is asking for paragons to get valiant rewards. But it’s fun to flex right?

    Maybe no rewards should be buffed ever unless you are at the peak progression. And then.. once there, those rewards never increase either. Seems like a questionable way to run a game economy - but what do I know… I am just part of the begging rube paragon class
    Val isn't hard. Either doo all of Necro or one path and wait for 8.4. There is no point buffing the store for lower titles when they just released the new one.

    If you want better rewards, do the content that gives you that title instead of complaining on the forums.
    No - I will just do what everyone is doing - walk away from the mode. But you keep flexing big guy. I don’t want to see you complain about a valiant store buff in 6 months…. All rewards must stay the same until the next title.
    And buffing the Val store before a new title is completely different from buffing it after the next title is released. It's really not that hard to understand.
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,624 ★★★★★

    Genuinely curious as to what exactly Paragon players who are screaming for an update to the bg's store expect besides lower prices, which is what Valiant got?

    So are Paragon players expecting the same prices as players who made the push to Valiant? Or am I missing something?

    We’re not asking for equal to valiant, just a bit of a buff as well. This current paragon store is balanced for the economy 6-8 months ago and even when it first came out there were some additions that were already overpriced. We’re not asking for the same as valiant just an update to make up for time devaluing the rewards.

    Edit: I typed all this out before your edit lol. Yes the only change is that valiant got a new store, everything else is the exact same
    I seen a couple didn't see I edited before their replies, lol

    I understand why they made the Valiant store, but the prices for paragon are ridiculous still.

    I mean at least drop the prices on sig stones!!! At the very least!

    That's what I usually buy but it was expensive given how many champs want high sig.
    Yes this exactly. Sig stones were the first thing I checked for and was immediately disappointed. They were not given a discount in the previous store update either so they’ve been the same for a while. Valiant gets them at 100 each we get them at 360. There’s lots of room to drop that price.

    Also 7* shards were considered overpriced the day they came out when we all had less than 10 7*, imagine how they look now.
  • StatureStature Member Posts: 474 ★★★


    I mean, I completely agree with your point and feel the same too, but there are 1000 better and respectful ways to express your opinion instead of saying "stop begging '.

    Crying on the forums about not getting better rewards is begging. Sorry if that offends the people begging.
  • DjmagsDjmags Member Posts: 115
    Why not Buff the outdated store, it’s pathetic
  • VenoweenVenoween Member Posts: 170
    Crcrcrc said:

    I think the purpose is to tell paragons to get valiant

    I think you meant valianted.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,572 ★★★★★

    Genuinely curious as to what exactly Paragon players who are screaming for an update to the bg's store expect besides lower prices, which is what Valiant got?

    So are Paragon players expecting the same prices as players who made the push to Valiant? Or am I missing something?

    We’re not asking for equal to valiant, just a bit of a buff as well. This current paragon store is balanced for the economy 6-8 months ago and even when it first came out there were some additions that were already overpriced. We’re not asking for the same as valiant just an update to make up for time devaluing the rewards.

    Edit: I typed all this out before your edit lol. Yes the only change is that valiant got a new store, everything else is the exact same
    I seen a couple didn't see I edited before their replies, lol

    I understand why they made the Valiant store, but the prices for paragon are ridiculous still.

    I mean at least drop the prices on sig stones!!! At the very least!

    That's what I usually buy but it was expensive given how many champs want high sig.
    Yes this exactly. Sig stones were the first thing I checked for and was immediately disappointed. They were not given a discount in the previous store update either so they’ve been the same for a while. Valiant gets them at 100 each we get them at 360. There’s lots of room to drop that price.

    Also 7* shards were considered overpriced the day they came out when we all had less than 10 7*, imagine how they look now.
    I hear you man. The fact Paragons didn't even get some updated prices is a kick on the (you know what) and completely ridiculous.

    Updating a few prices isn't gonna hurt the game and make paragons any closer to becoming Valiant..

    If anything it's gonna make them want to play bg's because the store is actually worth a damn.

    I'm pissed they didn't update it and it doesn't affect me in the least being Valiant myself.
    It's a serious low blow to the community, imo.
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