Tier 1 AW. Weekly T4C. 5.3 Prestige!

We are an 12.5M alliance looking for a couple skilled fighters after AQ. Basically 100% of the ally has beat ROL, RTL, Chloe, Bautista etc and a bunch of LOL clears. We really value you skill here so if you suck I wouldn't bother lol extremely competitive team.
About us...
Ally Tag: -MCH-
AW: Tier 1 (AW Rating 2611, rank 86 on global leaderboards)
AQ: 66555, 55655, 55565 (basically whatever gets us top 300, we can handle whatever day of map 6)
U.S. based but have guys in other countries
Very organized/Adult ally/Drama Free
Event Requirements:
We will push you for arena events tho and get last milestone most of the time.
SA Weekly (average top 3-5%)
Weekly Donations=185K Gold, 15k Loyalty, 40K Battlechips
What We Are Looking For:
Must have Map6 experience
Must have Tier 1 AW expierence
Must have 5.3k Prestige
Must have atleast 2 r4 5*
Must have LINE app
Must be active and reliable in aw/aq
Mostly want US/Canadian Players
(Boss Killers below 5.3k Prestige can still contact me if prestige is over 5k and prestuge will go up soon)
Despite our high expectations we understand that you also have a life and this is a game, officers are very understanding, so we can always work something out when life happens. Were a chill group of guys, our core has been together over 2 years and we just wanna add to that. Were also are starting up an ally YouTube channel that any member can post videos too. Anyways cheers.
Add Me If Interested
LINE: dielawn7
In-Game: oDielawn7o
About us...
Ally Tag: -MCH-
AW: Tier 1 (AW Rating 2611, rank 86 on global leaderboards)
AQ: 66555, 55655, 55565 (basically whatever gets us top 300, we can handle whatever day of map 6)
U.S. based but have guys in other countries
Very organized/Adult ally/Drama Free
Event Requirements:
We will push you for arena events tho and get last milestone most of the time.
SA Weekly (average top 3-5%)
Weekly Donations=185K Gold, 15k Loyalty, 40K Battlechips
What We Are Looking For:
Must have Map6 experience
Must have Tier 1 AW expierence
Must have 5.3k Prestige
Must have atleast 2 r4 5*
Must have LINE app
Must be active and reliable in aw/aq
Mostly want US/Canadian Players
(Boss Killers below 5.3k Prestige can still contact me if prestige is over 5k and prestuge will go up soon)
Despite our high expectations we understand that you also have a life and this is a game, officers are very understanding, so we can always work something out when life happens. Were a chill group of guys, our core has been together over 2 years and we just wanna add to that. Were also are starting up an ally YouTube channel that any member can post videos too. Anyways cheers.
Add Me If Interested
LINE: dielawn7
In-Game: oDielawn7o