Raid Path & Rewards Bugs

SlugheadSlughead Member Posts: 23
@Kabam Miike is there any comment/update/acknowledgement of what's going on with the path bugs from raids? (Where people couldn't choose the right path and were forced down the wrong path)

I haven't seen any acknowledgement from Kabam on it at all even though there were lots of posts about it from many different people. If I missed an announcement on it somewhere, I apologize. I have been trying to keep an eye on the forums for anything, but I haven't seen anything.

Even just a simple "we're looking into it" would be nice. At this point it feels like it's just going to get swept under the rug and lost in the shuffle.

Our alliance did the work to clear all of the minis and ultron. Even with the handicap from the path bug. And it feels bad to not get the 100% rewards simply because of a bug.


  • SlugheadSlughead Member Posts: 23
    Is this something we (everyone in my battlegroup) should create support tickets for? It would be nice to have any kind of comment on this issue. Are we just out of luck?
  • Wolvie2778Wolvie2778 Member Posts: 1
    I'm in 100% agreement with this. I've submitted a ticket, and the team acknowledged a fix was put in place Feb. 26, which was 6 days after the bug occurred (Feb. 20).
    At this point, I'd also like to know it's at least being reviewed, as it's quite apparent we would have gotten full exploration without the bug.
    Full exploration rewards seem quite fair at this juncture for a very new game mode that was/is still working out the kinks.
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