Chill alliance - looking for a few good men/women

We are a chill alliance currently has a few openings.
We have no requirements. We ask members to be active and to participate in at least 1 or 2 alliance game modes (AQ, Aw, BG, etc)
We run Map6,6,4.; Raid and we play causal AW.

If you are looking for an ultra competitive alliance, we are probably not a good fit for you. If you want to have fun and play with a bunch of good guys and gals, we could be a fit.

We have several exSSX, ex4Loki and high profiles members (with their alt accounts) in the alliance. We do play at a high level but with a more relax approach.

Contact me if you are interested. Game name: Old Man Easy
Or LINE ID: captaineasy
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