Same champ but different - issue with showing ascended "thing"

Sup All,
I didnt see/find topic about that so if it exist dont slay me
I find out some time ago that i have two different Hercs, Kingpins and all champs that are asceded
Its rly hard when u put together war defenders - need to ask everyone so they can send me ascended champs cuz i cant see them unless they are in profile showcase.
my Kingpin in champions tab:

my kingpin in attackers chart in "alliance champions" - enter from ally->members->bg sqad->tap on profile:

Can we have this right ?
Its rly annoying
I didnt see/find topic about that so if it exist dont slay me

I find out some time ago that i have two different Hercs, Kingpins and all champs that are asceded
Its rly hard when u put together war defenders - need to ask everyone so they can send me ascended champs cuz i cant see them unless they are in profile showcase.
my Kingpin in champions tab:

my kingpin in attackers chart in "alliance champions" - enter from ally->members->bg sqad->tap on profile:

Can we have this right ?
Its rly annoying
