By looking at your roster, i'm predicting that your conqueror? or uncollected, both of them are good techs and since your still in act 5, you will need good 5stars throughout act 6 for various nodes since he's a robot, i'd say ultron then doc oc
Robots with immunities and utility are gonna be super useful in act6
It really depends on what you want. Ultron for immunities which is a no Brainer, or doc oc for power control, also a no Brainer. Long story short, do both. Ultron first tho.
Ultron 100%. From your roster I assume you're still in the stage where you're grinding the Story quests. Ultron has double immunities, which is extremely helpful for nodes like Caltrops, which you will find in act 5 and 6. His debuffs are also pretty useful, his sp3 has Power Burn to get some extra damage in, and his Self Repairs are pretty handy in case you mess up. Doc Ock is decent, but nowhere as useful or versatile as Ultron. I currently have him as a 5* Ascension, and even though I'm currently going through act 8, he's still an invaluable part of my roster.
Robots with immunities and utility are gonna be super useful in act6
Immunities are going to help a ton.