Looking for a plat alliance


  • Matty_IceMatty_Ice Member Posts: 594 ★★★
    T4 war focused alliance. We have finished plat 4/5 before, but finished top gold 1 due to some bad play and uncooperative members. Chill alliance looking for players to actively communicate and compete.

    Tier 4 wars, aiming for plat 5 minimum.
    Map 6 AQ (possibly going to increase)
    Optional Raids, but aiming for 3 bgs.
    Optional BGs

    Discord: tazerface_9
  • Vipul9987Vipul9987 Member Posts: 103
    Bigdog Reunion looking for 1 active player line app required
    Need to be active and responsive on line group
    Gold 2 ally pushing for platinum
    Map 666 with modifiers
    Raids all 3 bg
    No minimum requirements for battlegrounds
    Paragon player 15k+ prestige 2.5mil+ base rating
    vipul9989 is my line id
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