Well done Kabam!

Week 3 of winter of woe is a huge success! Good job everyone who designed that fight, as well as the objectives. It's very fun and not too restrictive; I hope the rest of winter of woe is as fun as this. Also the lag seems to have reduced a bit for me which made getting the solos possible (Abs man, chavez, quicksilver) and the reduced energy timer is a huge pro-player move during this winter-of-woe period where there is so much to do in the game. I hope Dani Moonstar is as fun as hulkling was.
Absolutely agreed that it’s a fun fight. I like it a lot, and I think it’s got a place in the game. I think that if you scale his stats down he’d make a great story quest boss.
But like… I should not be able to go in and solo a WoW boss on the very first attempt. It should require practice. Instead I got three solos within a single energy meter, without having gone to YouTube or the forums for advice first (used Chavez, Abs Man, and Ronin).
This fight was just a big Hulkling. There were no damage threats besides getting hit, the challenge came from being able to damage him, which was done by knocking him down and hitting into his block. You don’t need 3000 IQ to manage that.
That all being said, I’ll withhold total judgment until the final quest is released. It’s always possible that taking multiple of these fights together will be substantially more challenging than the sum of their parts.
Personally, I think Abs was overturned, Nebula was perfect, and Hulkling was easy
And you’ll have a hard time finding where I cry over hard content.
Against nebula all I needed was a shock immune the autoblock and unblockable were easier to deal with
Hulkling is perfect fight, why? Because it is completely based on skill. You are supposed to change your playstyle and attack him in a specific way. Do actions you mostly don't do. This is just like necropolis elsa bloodstone fight
Fun and skill based. And not demanding a hard counter.
That’s all they wanted….
This week was too easy 😎
Also a lot of content in the game isn't 'fun' right now. EQ and side quests are pretty dull, BGs has its fair share of problems for many people, Fintech's challenges are a nightmare etc. So what, if this hulkling fight is a tad on the easy side? It's fun and that's a trade-off I'll happily take any day of the week. I often criticise Kabam when I think they've made a mistake, so it's only fair to give them credit where I think it's due.
Appreciate you reading through that last paragraph, I know I can ramble. I figured I’d draw a fair bit of flak with that post, but just had to put the opinion out there.
My guess for the layout of the final quest is:
Abs Man
New Challenger Approaches
Shared Boss
New Challenger!
Shared Boss
Alternatively, I could see it also being Abs Man/Hulkling and Dani/Nebula as the path pairings. If Dani is tougher, the idea might have been to pair an easier fight with a more challenging one. Either way, I’m looking forward to it.
I smoked the fight within like 5 mins of it coming out.
I also agree that abs-man was way overtuned, nebula was meh but this fight is just easy.
People say take the W or it's a "fun" fight but I just don't get where the fun is in a fight like this. No challenge, no problem solving. Just button mash and you win.
Also I love the reduced timer for energy. Really great pro-player move and it really encourages you to be more active and play the game more, so hopefully Kabam bring it back in the future.