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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
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Apoc is broken

AdeebAdeeb Posts: 11
edited March 7 in Bugs and Known Issues
In this new event quest I went with my apoc in 1.2 (mutant quest) and i used him so many times but my apoc didn’t heal at the start of the fight and it’s happening continuously.

*I'm using him after 2-3 fights still isn’t healing.


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    BendyBendy Posts: 4,328 ★★★★★
    Adeeb said:

    In this new event quest I went with my apoc in 1.2 (mutant quest) and i used him so many times but my apoc didn’t heal at the start of the fight and it’s happening continuously.

    Apoc only heals after every fight u dont use him max of 2 fights
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    AdeebAdeeb Posts: 11
    I know that and i'm using him after 2-3 fights still he isn’t healing
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    BendyBendy Posts: 4,328 ★★★★★
    Adeeb said:

    I know that and i'm using him after 2-3 fights still he isn’t healing

    Getting video proof will help show whats happening maybe as i dont play apoc all i know is he needs sig to heal but it isnt even that potent
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    AdeebAdeeb Posts: 11
    Lol i didn’t notice mine isn’t duped lol!! Thanks for the reminder!! 😂
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