Store bug?

Jake933Jake933 Member Posts: 52
Hey guys.. im having this store bug for almost two months now . I thought it will go away with the update but no ... I checked every offer meaning i went down the entire page of offers but it
the number 2 won't go away . . anyone having the same bug or its just me?


  • Jake933Jake933 Member Posts: 52
  • Jake933Jake933 Member Posts: 52
  • Jake933Jake933 Member Posts: 52
  • Jake933Jake933 Member Posts: 52
    No answer.. so its only me with this bug ?
  • DeadpoisdeadDeadpoisdead Member Posts: 111
    Yeah it might be a "YOU". Problem 🤧
  • Jake933Jake933 Member Posts: 52

    Yeah it might be a "YOU". Problem 🤧

    No seriously bro.. i know the game has bugs.. but I didn't see anyone mentioned this.. and no one has commented.. so idk is it possible to be only my account?
  • Jake933Jake933 Member Posts: 52
    Never mind.. it was the deathles tap.. i thought i checked all the tap before posting..
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