Paragon - Prestige 18.8k - Seeking Platinum 3/4 Alliance with BG/Raids with Line App


Seeking alliance online app maskofgotham1


  • MaskOfGotham1MaskOfGotham1 Member Posts: 72

  • AvengerDaanAvengerDaan Member Posts: 53
    Your welcome to join us, we’re plat 6, do map 6 and also raids. Contact me ingame zAvengerDaan or on discord AvengerDaan
  • Harbinger195Harbinger195 Member Posts: 139
    Hey bud we are a p5/p4 alliance looking to rebuild after a big exodus due to burnout. If you are willing to chill for a little bit while our members recover I think you would enjoy our group. In game and line Addy is the same as on here so check us out and DM if you think it's worth a go :)
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