AI is getting out of hand.

Bayle The DreadBayle The Dread Posts: 444 ★★★★
Seriously kabam, what's up with this terrible AI? You talked about pushing a "fix" or whatever to combat this AI being so passive yet I just lost two matches in BGs only because Onslaught and Domino just wouldn't throw their specials. I eventually get back into the corner, and have to spam dex for my life until another issue pops up. My parry just doesn't exist anymore. The first time it happened, I said yeah okay. Maybe I'm bad and missed that one, but this happened in the next two matches after that.

Could we at least get some half decent communication if this apparent fix has even gone through? Because with this kind of passive AI mixed with unresponsive controls and let's not forget the lag spikes are killing my interest to even play BGs or any kind of content.



  • GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Posts: 688 ★★★
    I tried to make Rintrah throw a sp2 in BG for 54 secs yesterday…lost that fight.

    Try to make Korg boss in EQ/PG not stand still and hold block…he went into rooted phase 3 times without moving inbetween…its a joke atm 🤭🤣😂
  • ZuroZuro Posts: 2,840 ★★★★★
    My personal biggest issue with AI is the light intercepts. Every time it happens I genuinely feel like crying
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Posts: 1,981 ★★★★★
    I just think that it’s funny that it keeps getting more over powered every update. Now we get lag spikes and the AI can defy animation frames to punish us
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Posts: 556 ★★★
    It’s a joke at this point. I’ve seen so much stuff online how they specialize in AI but yet they can’t get a hold on this?
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