Magic Thief is Still Stupid

NeoDazarasNeoDazaras Member Posts: 127
I understand that the tactic was already “nerfed”, but it still has lots and lots of issues. For one, there are still impossible fights (like Kingpin on node 27) that can only be done with one champion that can easily be banned. That wouldn’t be so bad if not for the second issue: this is the only tactic all year that HARD REQUIRES a tactic attacker. Prowess Power, Sugar Pill, and even Crush fights could still technically be done with non-tactic attackers. But Magic Thief Indestructibles are actually stipulated to be impossible to be removed without a tactic attacker. If you Dex once, you’re done for the fight.

Players, remember this and everything else going on this month when July 4th rolls around.


  • FunnyDudeFunnyDude Member Posts: 592 ★★★★
    1-loyalty war until Kabam do something,
    If you are not pushing for top10. You will be in the same bucket
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,222 ★★★★★
    Never is a strong word. "Hardly ever" is more fitting. Necro was very enjoyable, as were a few of these carinas, IWD challenges and WoW fights.
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