Kabam, I have proof

I was so excited to see that Kabam would finally test the AI to make some changes

And here is the proof:

And here is the proof:

The AI combined with all the dropped inputs/increased lag recently means that a matchup is pretty much luck sometimes, which isn't fun at all (I play on iPhone 12 and Ik this is seems to be one of the worst affected ios devices, sadly.)
Dr. Zola
After playing for so long I find that most fights are predictable.
1 I’ve noticed. You try an throw a heavy against a defender with a special 1 lit up, like 8 out of 10 he’s going to counter with a special 1. Yet I still attempt it lol.
You go to throw a heavy against a recovering defender with 3 bars of power, 9/10 he’s using that special 3, using a medium attack however, it’s more like 6/10.
And 2, I had a similar situation happen. I was using Captain Marvel Movie against Sam Wilson. She just got to 25 charges, went binary, and got her 12 second Indestructible buff. AI was on Sp 2, and waited, and waited, and waited until her Indestructible buff had expired then threw it's sp 2. No matter how much I danced around and tried to bait it out. I even hit AI again and it STILL didn't throw it's special 2 until her Indestructible expired. If I had been using somebody else, we probably would have died in that fight 😂
Also, in another fight, the AI was ridiculously passive and just stood there holding block. But as soon as my champ gets an unblockable buff, the AI all of a sudden wants to dash out and attack. When unblockable buff was over, AI went back to being passive. Wth?? And this wasn't one of those intentional "bipolar" nodes where one minute the AI is passive, and the next they're aggressive. This was a common one.
Dr. Zola
Guess those aggression nodes wit SP1 and SP2 bias is just too awesome for us regular folk to enjoy during basic fights.
Don't move your champ for a sec or a couple of secs.
Only need to go left and wait
Try out and tell me here 😎
Honestly, this is simply awful... Particularly in a match with a short timer (I believe that was AW?)
Check this out from this week's Side Quest, as an example of absurdly passive AI:
Okay, this is clearly a bug of some sort; but kind of funny...