
I don't know if the I'm in a minority here, but I truly believe that Bullseye's champion design is awful. He will always punish you no matter how skilled you are, he's much easier to get than Maestro (who is also a tough defender but on a reasonable level) and with time is only going to become more available, and he's extremely annoying to fight. Especially in AW, if placed on a 100% of damage reflected while stunned node.
To summarise, when Champion Evaluation program comes to Bullseye he definitely should be nerfed imo.
To summarise, when Champion Evaluation program comes to Bullseye he definitely should be nerfed imo.
You get bleed damage even when you block, dex or evade. And he can't miss too.
And if we use a bleed immune champ, still he evades. You have to always bait a sp1 if you don't want him to evade, and even when he throws sp1, you can't go straight in and punish, you have to wait for 3 seconds.
His evade cannot ne prevented by slow, decelerate, Sabatoge and disorient effects.
On top of that he crits on block and completely bypass miss abilities. He is pure bs defender.
I don't have problem with dust, she can be dealt with incenerate champs or can be played around. Maestro have a lot of reasonable counters and any special attack nukes like sunspot can take him before he enters his deadly form. Onslut can be dealt with energy resistance champs + his neutroshock won't deal much damage or something. Photon can be easily played around by not hitting her and giving her power in pure light form. None of them are as counter-specific and annoying and foolseye. He really needs a huge nerf in defense.
Eventually there will be other counters available to take bullseye on.
Jesus, everytime a great defender comes out everybody wants them nerfed.
Only thing, I/me/only me, would like is to be able to block after he evades and throw his sp1. Just so we can fight him outside BGs faster. Even the arena fights are time consuming.